Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Weekly Briefing: Defense Networks & Cyber

The latest defense networks & cyber news and analysis from Breaking Defense.

Internet Operations Management: It's The Key To Network Visibility

Presented by Breaking Defense

Amid Space Race, Cybersecurity And Resiliency Remain Concerns: Experts

The space rush will result in tens of thousands of new assets launched within the decade, which will create a "truly enormous" cyber attack surface, said Sam Visner, a technical fellow at the MITRE Corporation.


On-Demand Satcom Customized For All-Domain Operations

[Sponsored] Intelsat's satellite services provide options to address a variety of missions, including all-domain defense operations, border security management, and disaster/humanitarian relief.


ALIS Is Dying; Long Live F-35's ODIN

WASHINGTON: The F-35 program began taking a major step the last two weeks toward removing an enormous albatross from around its neck by replacing the much-maligned ALIS logistics system with its sleeker, faster and younger replacement, ODIN. The move to install ODIN on two of 14 deployments brings the logistics and planning system to units in…


IP And Security: Two Thorny Challenges On The Innovation Journey

OPINION: When Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin signed the Department's strategy for Joint All-Domain Command and Control, it officially kicked off a push towards open architectures, information sharing, and connected systems across the battlespace. But the capabilities to execute these concepts are often commercial, software-heavy, and do not fall neatly into existing budgeting processes. That…


Army Awards Contract For Major Crypto Update

"NGLD-M will be the biggest material change in cryptographic key delivery in 20 years," Michael Badger, product lead of COMSEC, said.


Budgetary Pressures Could Push Skyborg Beyond 2023

"I won't say that it's not achievable" to transition Skyborg to a program of record, said AFLMC's Brig. Gen. Dale White. "I will just say that it has to be balanced with all of the other requirements we have across the portfolio to be able to do that."


Seamless Space, Air, Missile Defense Key SPACECOM Goal

The Joint Force, he said, "should," and "will" in future "use space strategic warning assets to meet tactical level ground requirements," says Gen. Jim Dickinson, SPACECOM head.


Internet Operations Management Is Well Suited To Military Networks

[Sponsored] IOM will enable Joint Force Headquarters-DoD Information Network to gain real-time visibility over all defense networks.


JROC's Next Target: 'Integrated Air & Missile Defense'

"I would like to have overhead sensors that see everything, characterize everything that goes on on this planet from a missile perspective, all the time everywhere. … That's unobtainium right now," says VCJCS Gen. John Hyten.


'We're Getting Our Rear End Handed To Us' In Information Space, NORTHCOM Head Warns

"Rather than primarily focusing on kinetic defeat, for the defense of the homeland, I think we must get further left," the head of NORTHCOM said Tuesday.


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