The latest news from Breaking Defense. _________________________________________________________________________ |

Advanced Satellite Platforms & Space Mission Systems Offer All-Domain Protection
Presented by Sierra Nevada Corporation
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Next-Gen OPIR Missile Warning On Schedule For 2025 Launch "At this point, we do not assess any impact to the schedule but continue to evaluate that day by day," said Col. Brian Denaro, SSC's program manager for Next Gen OPIR.
DoD Launches New Zero-Trust Security Portfolio Office; CIO Talks Priorities The new office is slated for October, Pentagon CIO John Sherman said, while also giving updates on the Spectrum Strategy implementation plan and the cyber workforce strategy.
NORTHCOM Needs Help In Space For Arctic Communications Eliminating stovepipes that prevent sharing information about threats and responses is crucial to defense of the homeland, says Gen. Glen VanHerck, NORTHCOM head.
Near-Term Funds For Second Space Fence Radar Uncertain Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, head of Space Operations Command, said that the Space Force is now following 35,000 space objects, a 22% jump in only the last two years.
Blue Origin Engine For NSSL Behind Schedule, But SecAF Kendall Isn't Worried "Hopefully we'll be all right and they (ULA) won't have any additional scheduled steps. But I think the strategy has actually been demonstrated to be a good thing," Air Force Frank Kendall says.
[Sponsored] A layered architecture of geosynchronous, medium-earth, and low-earth-orbit satellites will provide resilient sensor coverage for Joint All Domain Command and Control.
If Commercial Space Is Ready to Set Sail, Why Are We Still Missing the Boat? Doug Loverro, the former deputy assistant secretary of defense for space policy, lays out a news structure for how the Space Force should look at commercial space assets.
Who's Who in Defense: Mike Gallagher, Ranking Member, HASC Personnel Subcommittee The Military Personnel Subcommittee is responsible for military personnel policy, reserve component integration and employment issues, military health care, military education, and POW/MIA issues, among others.
Internet Operations Management: It's The Key To Network Visibility
[Sponsored] IOM is how organizations continuously discover, monitor, and manage all of its internet-connected, internet-facing systems. |
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