Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Weekly Briefing: Defense Networks & Cyber

The latest defense networks & cyber news and analysis from Breaking Defense.

News: TACLANE expands portfolio to safeguard data across high-risk applications

By General Dynamics Mission Systems

US needs 'manufacturing renaissance' to compete with China: Report

Reagan Institute warns of "inadequate" investments, "exceedingly fragile" supply chains, and "insufficient" accountability of government officials, among other US weaknesses.


Networks as 'center of gravity': Project Convergence highlights military's new battle with bandwidth

In desert experiments, Army races to develop tactics for transferring data — and realizes high-def video can create potentially fatal data bottlenecks.


DoD issues cloud solicitations to AWS, Google, Microsoft, and Oracle

Google's addition is somewhat surprising since, in recent years, the company has pulled away from DoD work due to internal pressure on executives from its workforce. The apparent omission of IBM is also notable.


Assured-PNT for all 160,000 tactical vehicles is now a reality

[Sponsored] Assured Position, Navigation, and Timing (A-PNT) is slowly making its way into key-leader vehicles, with no concrete plans to address A-PNT for the rest of the fleet any time soon. An interim A-PNT solution from Leonardo DRS changes that for everyone.


For JADC2 to have a chance, DoD needs to get serious about data standards

"We are past the tipping point where information and decision-centric capabilities are more important instruments of war than kinetic weapons," write former deputy secretary Bob Work and Govini's Bill Fabian.


The DOD just made cloud connections more secure with less latency

[Sponsored] With Cloud Native Access Points, if you can't answer these questions, then you can't get on the network: Who are you as a user? What permissions should you have? What workloads do you need access to?


DIA details push to modernize top-secret network amid 150% uptick in cyber threats

"I hear more about IT revolution than evolution these days, but I think IT is more evolution," DIA CIO Doug Cossa said.


At Project Convergence, Army 'struggling' to see joint battlefield as it heeds 'hard' lessons

Where success meant identifying failures, top Army officials said desert experiment revealed problems in "situational awareness" that will be critical in future fights.


Former CISA head warns of rivals' 'destructive' cyber capabilities

"There's one line [in the notice] that should scare the hell out of everyone everywhere," Chris Krebs said.


Internet Operations Management Is Well Suited To Military Networks

[Sponsored] IOM will enable Joint Force Headquarters-DoD Information Network to gain real-time visibility over all defense networks.
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