Monday, 22 November 2021

In Focus: C5ISR In the contested battlespace

An in-depth look at C5ISR in the contested battlespace, from Breaking Defense.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The current state of A-PNT, its threats, and opportunities, in this Q&A.

Presented by Leonardo DRS

SVP and General Manager of Leonardo DRS Land Electronics, Bill Guyan, discusses the state of A-PNT, threats facing it today, and the opportunities that come with Leonardo DRS' new AC2ES.

 Learn more. 

Army developing software to let PNT sensors talk to each other

The effort is meant to help the service integrate new A-PNT systems faster as technology advances.

Sandia's Atomic 'Avocado' could allow GPS-free PNT

The first-of-its-kind device, a vacuum chamber for containing clouds of atomic particles that drive quantum sensors, is about the size of an avocado.

Assured-PNT for all 160,000 tactical vehicles is now a reality

[Sponsored] Assured Position, Navigation, and Timing (A-PNT) is slowly making its way into key-leader vehicles, with no concrete plans to address A-PNT for the rest of the fleet any time soon. An interim A-PNT solution from Leonardo DRS changes that for everyone.

Army seeks 'Cutting Edge' Network-Aided PNT technologies for battle

The notice is part of a broader Army push to acquire assured PNT solutions for soldiers on the future battlefield.

Army envisions global 3D terrain map as future PNT aid for operations

Brig. Gen. William Glaser, head of the Army's Synthetic Training Environment effort, said his team is "very proud" of One World Terrain because it "really just started off as an idea within the simulations community, but it's expanded out significantly into the operational community."

Breaking Defense
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