Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Multimedia Report: All Domain - Connecting the Joint Force

An in-depth look at All-Domain Warfare, from Breaking Defense.Advertisement

Defining Possible As One.

Presented by Northrop Grumman

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NGA Gears Up For All Domain Ops

NGA is tapping industry for new capabilities, such as "persistent change detection" and "geolocation" of potential targets such as an adversary's ships.

Connecting The Joint Force: CJADC2 [Sponsored]

As U.S. military missions transition from anti-terror activities to a peer/near-peer competition, mission success will be found in an all-domain connected battlespace.

Bullets, Beans & Data: The New Army Materiel Command EXCLUSIVE

In future wars, AI, networks, and analytics won't just help target precision weapons: They can also liberate combat units from long and vulnerable supply lines. But to make that work, AMC commander Gen. Ed Daly told us, frontline troops need a constant flow of data.

All Domain Requires New Requirements Process; DoD, Congress Must Compromise: Lt. Gen. Hinote

"We have got to come up with a compromise with the people's representatives when it comes to defining requirements in the future," he said.

Project Rainmaker: Army Weaves 'Data Fabric' To Link Joint Networks

The Pentagon's grand plans for Joint All Domain Command & Control require translating masses of data across incompatible systems. "Unless you get the underpinnings of a foundational data fabric," Maj. Gen. Peter Gallagher told me, "it will never happen."

EXCLUSIVE Navy Makes Major JADC2 Push, Linking Sensors & Shooters

Recent exercises like RIMPAC and Valiant Shield have tested some of this new data sharing. "There's a couple of ships on the bottom of the Pacific right now from those exercises that were demonstrating some of those concepts," said Vice Adm. Jeffrey Trussler.

JAIC Chief Asks: Can AI Prevent Another 1914?

AI will help commanders make sound decisions so much faster, said Lt. Gen. Michael Groen, that waging war without it will work as well as cavalry charging machine guns on the Western Front.

The Pentagon's Plans To Network EVERYTHING: Faist

The military sees huge potential in tiny electronics to revolutionize warfare with swarms of expendable, interconnected drones. But it doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of the F-35 by building a single multi-service mega-program to build them.

Military AI Is Bigger Than Just The Kill Chain: JAIC Chief

"Being able to take out 10 targets in rapid succession…that's very exciting. It's awesome," said Lt. Gen. Michael Groen. "But it's not enough."

Project Convergence: Its Success Could Draw Army Astray

While Project Convergence's first big test, the Army's "experiment at scale for a combined arms operations," was deemed a great success, the service must resist the urge to scale-up so rapidly that the events lose their value as experiments or become a fat target for budget cutters.
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