Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Military Space News and Analysis

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Military Space Report

The Final Frontier Starts On The Ground

Presented by Raytheon Intelligence & Space

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Hypersonics: SDA, Space Force Focus On Laser Links For Kill Chain

SDA currently is primarily focused on "beyond-line-of-sight targeting for sensitive targets — so, for ships and mobile missiles," Director Derek Tournear says, as well as for "advanced missile threats."


Air Force Launches SpaceWERX Innovation Hub

"We will begin designing future 'Prime' programs focused on space, autonomy, energy, gaming, supersonics and microelectronics," Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett said.


Space Force Should Hire Commercial Tracking Services ASAP: 2021 NDAA

Congressional authorizers approved some $10.4 billion in Space Force RTD&E, an almost $85 million bump from the budget request.


AIA: Hill, DoD Must Change Relations For Faster Space Acquisition

Since its creation last December, the U.S. Space Force has been charged with rapidly countering growing threats in an increasingly important domain. To successfully meet this mission, the service will have to adapt in a number of ways. One of the most vital tasks will be reforming an acquisition process ill-suited to protect against these…


Space Force Will Boost Reliance On Commercial Sats: Gen. Raymond

"We see a huge opportunity here to have a fused relationship with industry that will provide great advantage," Gen. Raymond says.


Dunlap Speaks On The Navy, Air Force, Army & JADC2

In part five of our exclusive video interview, Preston Dunlap outlines the Air Force and Navy's relations on All Domain Operations.


STARCOM: Training Troops To Fight Space Wars, Boldly

"We've decided that the topic is important enough and unique enough that we need a group of people who understand it down to its most fundamental levels."


Space Force, AFRL To Demo Mobile Lunar Spy Sat

The highly mobile D2S2 satellite will carry a 20cm camera to test the sensor performance needed for lunar imaging.


RCO To Manage ABMS Buys; Tankers First To Sport New Data Links

"When you can launch an austere airbase in a space capsule, that's frickin' awesome," says AF acquisition head Will Roper about the idea of suborbital transport spacecraft.


Dunlap On Zero Trust, Agility & ADO Cybersecurity

In part four of our exclusive video interview, Preston Dunlap discusses one of toughest challenges to All Domain Operations: integrating an effective tactical edge node into the larger network.


New International Partnerships Could Spur Hosted Payloads: Gen. Thompson

SMC is "working on innovative relationships with, believe it or not, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and some other places you wouldn't think of as traditional spacefaring nations," says Gen. DT Thompson, Space Force vice.


Space Force Struggles To Shape New Acquisition Command

"There is history; there is legacy; there is politics; there is money — obstacles that we're going to have to overcome to do this," says SMC head Gen. 'JT' Thompson.


Space Force Ponders NSSL Revamp For New Missions

"I don't think we're at the position to know both what the demand is, but also where industry is going, what's the viable way to consider other orbits if we were asked to do," says Col. Robert Bongiovi, director of SMC's Space Vehicles Directorate.


Peterson, Redstone Back In Race For SPACECOM HQ

Newcomers to the contest are: Kirtland AFB, New Mexico; Offutt AFB, Nebraska; Patrick AFB, Florida; and Port San Antonio, Texas. 


SAC Kills AF Push For Funding Flexibility; Space Force Likely Hit

"I think Space Force and its advocates hoped that they'd have a radically new approach to budgeting and acquisition," CSIS's Mark Cancian says, but Congress is unlikely to agree.


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