Rolls-Royce brings low-risk AE 1107F engines to the Bell V-280 Valor, maximizing speed and range for U.S. Army modernization. AE 1107 engines are produced by American employees in state-of-the-art Rolls-Royce factories in the U.S. Learn more.
Army CIO Raj Iyer said the service is moving away from "traditional ways" of pulling data as it looks to build "a Command Post Computing Environment of the future."
"What is different… is a dramatic uptick in the UAV activity in the region, both in terms of their capability, their profiles, and the density of activity," Vice Adm. Brad Cooper said.
The open meeting at times resembled the TV comedy Seinfeld's Festivus celebration's "airing of grievances," but there was widespread accord on a number of recommendations.
In the coming weeks, the Biden administration is expected to release its newest version of the Conventional Arms Transfer (CAT) policy, which will serve as a clear sign on how the administration will differentiate itself from the Trump administration on arms sales issues. In this op ed Josh Kirshner of Beacon Global Strategies lays out…
Undersecretary for Research and Engineering Heidi Shyu to brief defense secretary today on how Pentagon can bridge over the dreaded tech "valley of death" between the lab and the battlefield.
"Kinetic destructive tests," White House nominee for ASD Space Policy John Plumb said, "pose a long term enduring problem to all spacefaring nations, including astronauts."
"The future network must be high-speed, it must be high-capacity, it must be multi-path, and ubiquitous to the user," said Brig. Gen. Jeth Rey, director of the Army's Network Cross-Functional Team.
[Sponsored] Now being integrated on the F-35B, F/A-18E/F, and F-15E, the StormBreaker glide bomb has an advanced tri-mode seeker and is the first network-enabled weapon in the Air Force inventory.
Russian industry is already struggling with sanctions and export limits. An invasion of Ukraine could be disastrous for them – and, politically, might spell doom for Vladimir Putin's regime.
The service has settled on upgrading the hull form, maintaining the combat systems of its Flight III Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. The hull form in the concept isn't final, however.
The goal of the demonstration was to show how integrated technologies and joint connectivity can support warfighters by providing actionable data and increased situational awareness, the company said.
The Ground Based Strategic Deterrent, Columbia-class ballistic submarine and B-21 bomber could all face delays under a yearlong continuing resolution, service officials said.
A year-long CR would force Space Force to chop two planned launches under the National Security Space Launch program — reducing the number of launches from a planned five in 2022 to three, Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond told lawmakers.
[Sponsored] Information superiority and speed to mission are the hallmark of multi-cloud environments, along with automation, cybersecurity, and governance.
Space Development Agency will soon issue a request for proposals for the first 28 of its own missile tracking satellites in Low Earth Orbit, the agency's chief said.
Laura G. Brent of the Center for a New American Security argues that cyber weapons have become a built-in part of the geopolitical strategies for governments around the world – and norms of behavior are now in the rear view mirror.
Japan's ambassador to Australia, Shingo Yamagami, made pretty clear that China was a driving force behind the treaty's approval, noting the two nations must "increase deterrence."
The Air Force worries that if it approves Remote Vision System 2.0 before concerns about the tanker's panoramic display system are resolved, it could be locked into paying for a fix.
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