Friday, 9 April 2021

Weekly Briefing: Air Warfare

The latest Air Warfare news and analysis from Breaking Defense.
Weekly Briefing
Air Warfare

Uncover What It Will Take To Empower Overmatch For Future Vertical Lift

Presented by Collins Aerospace

air NL 4.2.21From complex weight and drag challenges to mission-flexible open systems, we have the innovation and expertise to bring Future Vertical Lift to life.  Watch video»

Long Range Strike Hot Potato Now In OSD Hands

"It's ultimately a political decision, and … this demands a strong and fully staffed OSD," said Mackenzie Eaglen, of the American Enterprise Institute. "That doesn't seem likely until much later this year."


Bases' 5G To Boost Data, Emergency Medicine & Combat

"5G is one of the most transformative technologies coming to us, second only to the cloud," Maj. Gen. Matt Easley says.


Naval Readiness Fell In 2019; Ground Readiness Rose: GAO

Readiness of air, space, and cyber forces across the armed services was mixed, the Government Accountability Office said.


Cue Drum Roll: The F-15EX Eagle II

"The F-15 C and D fleets, in their current state, places us at great risk," said Lt. Gen. Duke Richardson, "with 75% of the fleet flying beyond its certified service life, and 10% grounded due to structural integrity issues.


Iron Dome: A Decade of Intercepts

[Sponsored] This year marks the 10th anniversary of the first operational intercept by Israel's Iron Dome system.


CSAF Brown On Deck For Joint Chiefs Chair: RUMINT

Former CSAF Gen. David Goldfein, who like many fighter pilots isn't a big guy, was passed over as CJCS because he didn't "look macho enough for Trump," said one former Pentagon insider.


Early Risk Reduction For The Bomber Of The Future

[Sponsored] With two B-21 test articles in production in Palmdale, Northrop Grumman will soon be flying a digital marvel of the 21st Century.


AUSA Fires Back At Air Force: Long-Range Missiles Aren't 'Stupid'

The benefit of diverse and effective long-range precision fires was reinforced by then-U.S. Pacific Command Commander Navy Adm. Harry Harris, who challenged the Army to develop more lethal, long-range precision fires that could not only engage adversary land targets, but also sink ships at sea.


Valkyrie Drops A Drone Of Its Own

UPDATED: To explain that LCASD program is done with flight tests. WASHINGTON: The Air Force's low-cost XQ-58A Valkyrie drone has tested a new capability — launching its own drone — designed to boost its abilities to counter enemy air defense missiles and protect higher-value aircraft such as fighters and tankers. The Air Force Research Laboratory…


Joint Force Vs. China: Project Convergence 21

"This is a journey to see what's possible, what can we do with today's technologies, for a relatively minor cost," Gen. John Murray told us. "Project Convergence '20 cost us about the same thing as one Combat Training Center rotation" — $23 million.


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