Thursday, 29 October 2020

Weekly Briefing: Naval Warfare News and Analysis

The latest naval warfare news and analysis from Breaking Defense
Weekly Briefing
Naval Warfare

Trump Admin Sets Allied Defense Spending Targets, Taiwan Deals Lead Way

"If anything, the provocations are coming from Beijing. The bullying behavior…is where the provocateurs lie, not with Taiwan [which is] maintaining its own self defense," a top State Department official says.


Buy American Earmarks Slip In: Defense Committees Must Act

Almost ten years ago, Congress tried — after much self-flagellation — to do away with earmarks by declaring a moratorium on their use. An earmark was defined in House and Senate rules as any congressionally directed spending, tax advantage or tariff that would benefit an entity or a specific state, locality or congressional district. Members at the…


NSA O'Brien's Latest Audible on Navy Plans: Calls For More Frigates, Faster

It's unclear if Robert O'Brien's calls for hypersonic missiles on destroyers and building more frigates indicate he is inserting himself in Pentagon budget planning.


As US Military Moves Into Palau, China Watches Intently

In a recent meeting between the Navy Secretary and the president of Palau, the US signaled a commitment to "enhanced presence here and for more US Military activity in the future."


Signaling China, White House Floats Putting Hypersonic Missiles On Destroyers

"This is a terrible idea for several reasons," Bryan Clark of the Hudson Institute said. The oldest ships would need to undergo a service life extension, while the newer ships would have to undergo expensive upgrades for a complex new mission.


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