Tuesday, 14 July 2020

HAC-D Cuts ABMS By $50M; Raps DoD Budget Mismanagement

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How Northrop Grumman's Cygnus is Changing Space.

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HAC-D Cuts ABMS By $50M; Raps DoD Budget Mismanagement

"Since the Department has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to disregard congressionally mandated reprogramming procedures, the Committee cannot agree to provide the additional budget flexibility the Air Force requested," the 2021 spending bill says.


US To China: You Do NOT Control South China Sea

"Beijing's approach has been clear for years," Mike Pompeo says. "In 2010, then-PRC Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told his ASEAN counterparts that "China is a big country and other countries are small countries and that is just a fact.' The PRC's predatory world view has no place in the 21st century."


Navy Inks Deal For New Unmanned Fleet

The $34 million deal marks the service's first real thrust to get unmanned ships into the water, despite Congressional worries the service is moving too fast.


Air Force Lacks 'Adequate' Plan For Next-Gen Reaper: HAC-D

WASHINGTON: House appropriators are worried that the Air Force's latest try to replace the MQ-Reaper isn't fully baked and might lead to a capability gap between the service's planned divestiture of the venerable hunter/killer drone and any follow-on. "The Air Force's fiscal year 2021 budget request proposes to terminate production of MQ–9 aircraft, citing an…


The Top 5 REALLY Important NDAA Policies

Mackenzie Eaglen knows Congress (after all, she did work there) and she takes readers through the most important policy debates sparked by the two versions of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act. Read on! The Editor.   Much of the public debate about this year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has focused on the renaming…


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