Saturday 21 November 2020

Navy Sub Bosses Bullish, But Questions Over Building New Fleet Remain

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Navy Sub Bosses Bullish, But Questions Over Building New Fleet Remain

Esper's Navy plan remains stuck at the White House, but with the Trump term running out, what parts of it will survive?


Space Force Struggles To Shape New Acquisition Command

"There is history; there is legacy; there is politics; there is money — obstacles that we're going to have to overcome to do this," says SMC head Gen. 'JT' Thompson.


Aircraft Readiness Is Bad & Getting Worse: GAO

Of 46 types of aircraft surveyed – from the new F-35 to the aging JSTARS – not one met the Pentagon's goal of being 80 percent "mission capable." Most of them, in fact, keep getting worse.


Augmented Reality Opening Soon At A VA Operating Theater Near You [Sponsored]

A partnership among the VHA's Innovation Ecosystem (VHA IE), Verizon, Microsoft, and Medivis installed the nation's first 5G hospital network at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System in California.

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