Tuesday 11 August 2020

Spacepower Is ‘Catastrophically Decisive’ In War: New Space Force Doctrine

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Spacepower Is 'Catastrophically Decisive' In War: New Space Force Doctrine

"Because military spacepower has the potential to be the difference between victory and defeat, it must be viewed with equal importance as military power in any other domain," the Spacepower Capstone Publication says.


DoD Details $11B For COVID Costs, Warns 'At Least One' Shipyard May Close

The Pentagon memo comes as one critical shipbuilder, Bath Iron Works, struggles to get back on its feet.


Pentagon Gives Up Huge Slice Of Spectrum For 5G

An unprecedentedly quick 15-week review identified 100 mHZ of spectrum, now heavily used by military radars, that will be auctioned off in December 2021.


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