Saturday, 30 January 2021

Lengthy JEDI Fight Threatens Contract, Says Pentagon

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Commanding A Squadron Of Unmanned Aircraft To Work As One.

Presented by Northrop Grumman

We're defining the future of unmanned aircraft. MQ-Next is an autonomous strike aircraft capable of working as one with other forces and making intuitive decisions.  Learn more.Advertisement

Lengthy JEDI Fight Threatens Contract, Says Pentagon

"Regardless of the JEDI Cloud litigation outcome, the Department continues to have an  urgent, unmet requirement," reads the Pentagon briefing to members of Congress.


Optical Links Key To SDA, MDA Missile Tracking

"Information gathered up to and through Tracking Layer Tranche 0 will help inform decisions about future tranches, including how many and which types of sensors should be flown to provide the warfighter a complete advanced missile threat solution," SDA spokeswoman Jennifer Elzea says.


Transforming Missile Defense With Digital Twins [Sponsored]

Smart tools and emerging technologies can deliver the Next-Gen Interceptor more affordably and faster than any other missile defense system.
Breaking Defense
611 Broadway • New York, New York • 10012

Friday, 29 January 2021

Weekly Briefing: Air Warfare News and Analysis

The latest Air Warfare news and analysis from Breaking Defense. Advertisement
Weekly Briefing
Air Warfare

Agile And Adaptable For The Future

Presented by Boeing

Boeing F-15 EX with bufferOpen Mission Systems provide rapid and affordable technology insertion, Boeing's F-15EX is ready to take on the missions of today and adapt to meet the missions of tomorrow. Advertisement

F-35 Sales To UAE: What Will Being A Major Security Partner Mean

U.S.-UAE relations witnessed big leaps under Trump. Will ties remain as strong under Biden and see F-35 deal executed?


Space Acquisition Office Takes Shape, But Status Remains Unresolved

The question about who ultimately will be in charge of making decisions about what the Space Force buys will now fall to the incoming Air Force secretary, DoD Secretary Lloyd Austin and the Biden White House.


IDF Steps Up Iran Preparations; $1.2B More Sought

A senior Israeli source who talked with BD on condition of anonymity said the $1.2 billion will mostly be spent on "improving Israel's capability to perform standoff attacks," which involves acceleration of some very highly classified  "black programs" that address this capability "with breakthrough technologies." Some will be spent on Israel's missile defense systems, as well.


Trilateral Cope North Exercise To Test 'Agile' Air Ops On Austere Airfields

The Agile Combat Employment (ACE) concept uses a 'hub and spoke' network of permanent, well-established 'hubs' and more remote, austere 'spokes'," says Air Force Brig. Gen. Jeremy Sloane, commander of the 36th Air Wing in Guam.


ABMS Won't Replace BACN Comms Til 2026; Northrop Wins Support Deal

The Air Force intends to get rid of three of its four BACN-equipped EQ-4 Global Hawks, but increase the number of piloted E-11 BACN aircraft through 2026.


Israelis Say They'll Attack Iran If US Eases Sanctions

TEL AVIV: Israel has said openly that it will attack Iran if the U.S eases sanctions against the Shiite regime and agrees to go back to the nuclear agreement the Jewish state claims is "the biggest hoax in recent history." "Israel needs to know — and fast — whether Washington plans to stop Iran's race…


Defiant-X: Sikorsky, Boeing Unveil FLRAA Design

The companies' proposed Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) to replace the UH-60 is a sleeker, stealthier version of the prototype SB>1 Defiant now in flight tests. Can it beat Bell's tiltrotor?


Pathfinder: The MQ-9 You Don't Know [Sponsored]

Take another look. The world's workhorse unmanned aerial system (UAS) is adding a host of upgrades designed to win the fight now and bring the future faster.
Breaking Defense
611 Broadway • New York, New York • 10012

SPACECOM’s New Vision Targets ‘Space Superiority’

The latest news from Breaking Defense. Advertisement _________________________________________________________________________

Commanding A Squadron Of Unmanned Aircraft To Work As One.

Presented by Northrop Grumman

We're defining the future of unmanned aircraft. MQ-Next is an autonomous strike aircraft capable of working as one with other forces and making intuitive decisions.  Learn more.Advertisement

SPACECOM's New Vision Targets 'Space Superiority'

"We must have fully integrated offensive and defensive operations across all of our services, as well as our partners," says Army Gen. James Dickinson, SPACECOM commander.


DIU Turns To Honeypots For Advanced Cyber Defense

"The threat actor is revealing their hand," said Aymn Gilani of CounterCraft


F-35 Sales To UAE: What Will Being A Major Security Partner Mean

U.S.-UAE relations witnessed big leaps under Trump. Will ties remain as strong under Biden and see F-35 deal executed?


Two US Destroyers Enter Black Sea; Russia Responds

The deployment of the two US Navy ships, along with a refueling ship, is the largest American presence in the waterway in three years.


Transforming Missile Defense With Digital Twins [Sponsored]

Smart tools and emerging technologies can deliver the Next-Gen Interceptor more affordably and faster than any other missile defense system.
Breaking Defense
611 Broadway • New York, New York • 10012

Thursday, 28 January 2021

Two US Destroyers Enter Black Sea; Russia Responds

WASHINGTON: For the first time in three years the Navy has sent three ships – including two destroyers – into the Black Sea, just days after President Biden confronted Vladimir Putin about Russian policy. The move is sure to be read by Moscow as a statement of intent as the United States looks to confront Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, attempts to assassinate political rivals and reformers at home, and continuing acts of violence against Russians in NATO countries, as well as the persistent threats Vladimir Putin's regime has made against NATO countries.
Breaking Defense Breaking News:

Two US Destroyers Enter Black Sea; Russia Responds

WASHINGTON: For the first time in three years the Navy has sent three ships – including two destroyers – into the Black Sea, just days after President Biden confronted Vladimir Putin about Russian policy.

The move is sure to be read by Moscow as a statement of intent as the United States looks to confront Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, attempts to assassinate political rivals and reformers at home, and continuing acts of violence against Russians in NATO countries, as well as the persistent threats Vladimir Putin's regime has made against NATO countries.

Read more »

Breaking Defense
611 Broadway • New York, New York • 10012

Weekly Briefing: Naval Warfare News and Analysis

The latest naval warfare news and analysis from Breaking Defense
Weekly Briefing
Naval Warfare

Biden Orders Pentagon To Include Climate Change In New Strategy & War Games

Biden's order directs the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to include climate risk assessments in developing a new National Defense Strategy, due in 2022, along with the Defense Planning Guidance, the Chairman's Risk Assessment, "and other relevant strategy, planning, and programming documents and processes."


Navy Sticks With LCS Despite Propulsion Troubles; Lockheed Races To Make Fixes

"In practical terms, [the delay] has almost zero impact because the LCS has, for the most part, not been deployed," much in the past 15 years said Bryan Clark, an analyst at the Hudson Institute.


Breaking Defense
611 Broadway • New York, New York • 10012

Biden Orders Pentagon To Include Climate Change In New Strategy & War Games

The latest news from Breaking Defense. Advertisement _________________________________________________________________________

Commanding A Squadron Of Unmanned Aircraft To Work As One.

Presented by Northrop Grumman

We're defining the future of unmanned aircraft. MQ-Next is an autonomous strike aircraft capable of working as one with other forces and making intuitive decisions.  Learn more.Advertisement

Biden Orders Pentagon To Include Climate Change In New Strategy & War Games

Biden's order directs the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to include climate risk assessments in developing a new National Defense Strategy, due in 2022, along with the Defense Planning Guidance, the Chairman's Risk Assessment, "and other relevant strategy, planning, and programming documents and processes."


Space Acquisition Office Takes Shape, But Status Remains Unresolved

The question about who ultimately will be in charge of making decisions about what the Space Force buys will now fall to the incoming Air Force secretary, DoD Secretary Lloyd Austin and the Biden White House.


IDF Steps Up Iran Preparations; $1.2B More Sought

A senior Israeli source who talked with BD on condition of anonymity said the $1.2 billion will mostly be spent on "improving Israel's capability to perform standoff attacks," which involves acceleration of some very highly classified  "black programs" that address this capability "with breakthrough technologies." Some will be spent on Israel's missile defense systems, as well.


State Dept. Pauses New Arms Exports; UAE, Saudi Deals Hanging

The Biden Administration is hitting the brakes on the relaxed weapons sales policies of the Trump administration – at least for now.


Trilateral Cope North Exercise To Test 'Agile' Air Ops On Austere Airfields

The Agile Combat Employment (ACE) concept uses a 'hub and spoke' network of permanent, well-established 'hubs' and more remote, austere 'spokes'," says Air Force Brig. Gen. Jeremy Sloane, commander of the 36th Air Wing in Guam.


Transforming Missile Defense With Digital Twins [Sponsored]

Smart tools and emerging technologies can deliver the Next-Gen Interceptor more affordably and faster than any other missile defense system.
Breaking Defense
611 Broadway • New York, New York • 10012