Monday, 31 August 2020
Breaking Defense's Monday Morning Briefing
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Industry Says ‘Meh’ To DoD Cislunar Space Push
The latest news from Breaking Defense. |

It's Detectable. Until it's Not.
Presented by Northrop Grumman
Industry Says 'Meh' To DoD Cislunar Space Push At the moment, industry sources say, there is no money to be had for developing systems for DoD's cislunar operations.
'If It Floats, It Fights:' Navy's New Small Ship Strategy Existing amphibious ships might be the "Swiss Army Knife of the fleet," but the Navy and Marines want an enemy who "jumps on it in the opening gambit…they're gonna have the shock of their life."
Lessons for the Pacific From The European Deterrence Initiative In the last week, China has fired an array of missiles near the Paracel Islands, clearly intended to shape the attitudes and actions of the United States and our fellow Pacific friends and allies. The U.S Commerce Department has slapped sanctions on two dozen companies involved in China's illegal destruction of…
Friday, 28 August 2020
Weekly Briefing: Air Warfare News and Analysis
The latest Air Warfare news and analysis from Breaking Defense |
![]() | / | Weekly Briefing Air Warfare |
Bringing Data to Every Mission- Now on DoD Enterprise Software BPA
Presented by Splunk
Israel Juggles Arms Exports As UAE Opening Ripples Across Mideast TEL AVIV: The diplomatic opening between Israel and the UAE has had two contradictory effects. On the one hand, Israel sees the emirates as a potential customer for Israeli-developed weapon systems. On the other, Jerusalem is pressing Washington to keep Israel's Qualitative Military Edge (QME), Meanwhile, the U.S is mediating diplomatic normalization agreements with…
New START's Demise Could Cost DoD $439B, Or Nothing: CBO The study finds that 1 B-21, with 10 Long-Range Stand-Off (LRSO) cruise missiles and eight nuclear warheads, would cost $500 million, and $40 million a year (in 2020 dollars) to maintain.
'Bold Quest' To Demo Allied Connectivity For All-Domain Ops "You know, we say the next fight is going to be joint — no, it's going to be coalition," said Maj. Kevin Peel, of the Air Force Warfighting Integrating Capability (AFWIC).
US Condemns PRC For Paracel Missile Shots
The latest news from Breaking Defense. |

It's Detectable. Until it's Not.
Presented by Northrop Grumman
US Condemns PRC For Paracel Missile Shots The missile firings, DoD says, "further destabilize the situation in the South China Sea. Such exercises also violate PRC commitments under the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea to avoid activities that would complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability, and call into question its motivations with ongoing negotiations for a Code of Conduct between China and ASEAN."
DoD War Games Predict 'Extremely Destabilizing' Chinese Military Parity "If we do come to blows with China, it's gonna be very confused for the first 30 or 45 days, and then we must fight in a distributed fashion," said Maj. Gen. Tracy King, Marine Corps' director of Expeditionary Warfare
DoD Needs New Policies, Ethics For Brain-Computer Links (Jacked-In Troops?) "BCI is not just science fiction; it has viable practical applications, but there is much more work that needs to be completed before it becomes mainstream and commercial," RAND's Tim Marler says.
Navy Turns To AI To Save Billions In Fight Against Rust "The AI technology behind this enabled the US Navy to quickly and seamlessly examine tens of thousands of images to prioritize the needs to be repaired immediately and or later on," Mike Daniels, VP of Google Cloud's Global Public Sector.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Weekly Briefing: Naval Warfare News and Analysis
The latest naval warfare news and analysis from Breaking Defense |
![]() | / | Weekly Briefing Naval Warfare |
Bringing Data to Every Mission- Now on DoD Enterprise Software BPA
Presented by Splunk
Navy Turns To AI To Save Billions In Fight Against Rust "The AI technology behind this enabled the US Navy to quickly and seamlessly examine tens of thousands of images to prioritize the needs to be repaired immediately and or later on," Mike Daniels, VP of Google Cloud's Global Public Sector.
No US Icebreakers Working As USCGC Healy Limps Home With one icebreaker down, the US has one left in port — with no new ships scheduled to arrive for years.
Navy Plans For Wartime Ship Surge; Looks To Small Commercial Yards "We don't have enough capacity for peacetime" repairs, said Rear Adm. Eric Ver Hage. "We can't get ships delivered on time with the predictability we need today."
Navy Gets Break As Bath Iron Works Strike Finally Ends As thousands of workers go back on the job at the Maine shipyard, the Navy has a deep readiness hole to dig itself out of.
Grim Future For Repairing Navy Subs And Carriers On Time With the Pentagon budget not expected to grow any time soon, the Navy is facing a major crunch in getting its carriers and attack subs back to sea.
Japan's Reset Raises Questions Over Big Programs Toyko has put the breaks on its Aegis Ashore program, and there are reports its support for the Global Hawk buy may be soft.