Friday, 18 April 2014

[Build Great Backlinks] 20 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Immediately Improve Their Health

Build Great Backlinks

The most common problems for entrepreneurs are often not even “work” related…

In many instances it has something to do with excessive sitting and poor diet.

Working long, unsociable hours, on little sleep, fueling your body with crap food – just to get back to the grind isn't healthy for you or your business.

New research shows sedentary behavior to be equivalent to smoking… It’s no wonder some entrepreneurs are incredibly unhealthy despite an OK diet. 

I recently stumbled upon a thread about an article I wrote in regard to entrepreneurs being unhealthy, and one of the replies helped me grasp something…

Many entrepreneurs, mostly those just getting their feet wet, are under the impression health is a necessary sacrifice now in order to live well later…

And they’re basing this on the notion;

“Entrepreneurs live like most won’t now in order to live like most can’t later.” 

Working harder at working smarter is one thing, but that has nothing to do with sacrificing your health. It’s important to understand the body wants every internal process to function in harmony.

When this happens, our energy, mental clarity and creative abilities operate at a much higher level.

As I mentioned in “Why Entrepreneurs Are Unhealthy & What To Do About It”, studies are showing successful entrepreneurs are healthier than most people.

They tend to eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise more, and take more self-responsibility.

Here’s what else they stick to…

20 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Immediately Improve Their Health

#1 Spend One Hour Outside Daily

Thomas Jefferson spent most of his waking hours at home working, but never failed to spend at least one hour outside per day.

Force yourself to go outside and get some fresh air, vitamin D and exercise. Just walk around the block a few times if you’re unable to venture to far from the computer.

#2 Improve What You Eat

Farmers Market

In order to become the healthiest and strongest version of yourself, it’s ideal to eat nutritionally balanced meals with all natural, unprocessed ingredients.

These meals should consist of local and organic whole foods, herbs and spices.

I use a cool resource called Local Harvest to find farmers’ markets, organic family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in my area.

#3 Improve How You Eat

If you want to maintain healthy weight, high levels of energy and positive well being it's critical to develop healthy eating habits!

I like to eat soon after waking up and stick to set eating times (ex: 9, 12, 5 & 8) throughout the day.

Also, thoroughly chewing your food and not drinking during and for up to an hour after a meal noticeably aids digestion.

#4 Improve Your Posture

Acknowledge how you’re sitting this very second. 

Are both of your feet planted on the ground? Is your chest up and shoulders back?

When you correct your posture, you allow your spine to rise and your chest to open, which eases tension and helps the breath flow more freely. The oxygen can now penetrate more deeply into your lungs.

As you begin to take these deeper breathes you activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which is lowering your stress hormone levels, healing your brain, and stimulating recovery and digestion.

#5 Open A Window

The quality of our air has a huge impact on our health.

As entrepreneurs, most of us spend quite a bit of time indoors in front of the computer.

New research shows that more than 99% of the bugs living inside us aren't harmful, in fact, they’re beneficial; assisting our digestion, metabolism, and immunity.

Interestingly, one of the easiest ways to build your microbiome (the bugs living inside you), is simply opening a window.

But there’s even a tasty way to do it… with Kombucha of course.

#6 Stick To A Sleep Schedule

Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day forces your your body's “internal clock” to expect sleep at a certain time each night.

Go to bed and get at least 8 but no more than 9 hours of sleep and wake up at the same time every day (for me it’s typically 11pm – 8am).

I’ll typically dim the lights an hour before bed and sleep in complete darkness which helps me fall asleep and stay asleep.

If you’re on the computer in the evening, I recommend installing the f.lux app as you’re probably affecting the quality of your sleep.

#7 Start Your Day With A Walk

Make it a priority to go for a morning walk before you start working. This primes you for the day, helps you sleep and lowers your stress levels.

Some of my best ideas have occurred on my morning walks.

#8 Take A Break and Move Around

Sitting for long periods of time is linked to obesity, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and excess body fat.

Walking and exercise in general releases endorphins, which quickly creates feelings of happiness and euphoria.

Instead of just flying from one task to the next, walk around the park or at least stretch in between to-do list items. Simple stretching, lunges or even walking up and down the stairs a couple times is a great way to recharge and refocus.

#9 Take Weekend Vacations

Reserve weekends for yourself.

Even though you work for yourself, and don't have a morning commute, weekend rest should still be a priority. But this doesn't necessarily mean lounging all day.

Take short mini-vacations. Get in your car and drive a couple of hours to the beach or forest.

Even if you feel you didn't get enough work done during the week, and want to make up for it on the weekend, enjoy the fresh air and refocus while away from the computer.

#10 Take Walking Meetings


As entrepreneurs, we’re constantly networking and meeting new business contacts. Next time, suggest a walking meeting instead of a sit-down.

I love to meet people and walk around a park. This has helped me settle negotiations and left lasting impressions on some great people I now call friends.

It’s also a great excuse to get outside and get the blood flowing a bit.

You might find some who think you’re a nut, but I’ve found most professionals appreciate this refreshing approach to meetings.

#11 Don’t Eat Lunch At Your Desk

Lunch is a great opportunity to recharge, network and even stretch the legs.

You're definitely busy, but you're not so busy that you have to eat at your desk. Make it a point to take a lunch break.

Many of us aren’t great at multitasking so working through lunch basically makes both tasks less productive. Not too mention your keyboard is probably dirtier than your toilet.

#12 Drink More Water

Make water your primary beverage – it’s far and beyond the superior choice for entrepreneurs.

A 2% decrease in water saturation in your body will noticeably slow your thought process and ability to remember. If you need flavor, try adding fresh fruit and/or citrus to make it more appealing.

#13 Get A Massage

Massage therapy has been used for hundreds of years as alternative medicine and a way to promote health and well-being.

A weekly deep tissue massage helps me maintain relaxation, sleep better and keeps my muscles healthy and flexible.

#14 Limit “Time-suckers”

Set email answering and social media updates to certain times. You can get bogged down answering emails or checking out stories on Facebook.

Aside from allowing your audience to expect content at a certain time, you’re able to get on and do what you have to without being sucked into a juicy controversy or losing sleep over some new conspiracy you saw in your newsfeed…

Limiting time-suckers will allow you to get more done, which frees up time to exercise, socialize or simply relax.

#15 Do Light Exercise Around The House

There’s really a point of diminishing returns when you're working all the time.

Your brain gets locked down to one way of thinking, and you're simply not as productive as you’d be if you’re blood was flowing and you were engaging your entire body.

Take short, frequent breaks and utilize them to exercise throughout your day.

20 minutes of extended exercise or an hour of walking per day is great. But it’s even better to get up frequently from your desk and move around even if it's only for 10 minutes.

Again, the whole 33 minutes on with 10 minutes off, seriously works wonders.

#16 Hire A Virtual Assistant

As entrepreneurs especially those of us just getting our feet wet with this whole “running my own business” thing, often end up doing much of the leg work ourselves.

This translates into working long 14-hour days, resulting in mental and physical exhaustion. 

Outsourcing everything from office tasks to your social media presence can free up time to focus on health and the expansion and improvement of your business.

Here are 5 great resources to find reliable freelancers and virtual assistants to do just that:

#17 Challenge Yourself

Whenever you go out – to the store, the movies, or the mall – physically challenge yourself by parking farther away, taking the stairs and reaching with the opposite hand.

Each of these subtle actions results in stimulated muscles, increased blood-flow and calories burned.

#18 Find an Accountability Partner

A great way to stick to a workout program or healthy lifestyle is finding a partner.  Whether it’s someone to go to yoga class with or somebody to text "crushed my work out!"

Having an accountability partner will help you stay committed and allow you to see better results in return.

Check out these 64 awesome health and fitness apps outlines by Greatist.

#19 Set A Work and Play Schedule

If you’re chained to your desk all day, think about incorporating hikes, tea, games, yoga et cetera into your regular breaks.

I've adopted a great method allowing me to remain productive yet active and grounded throughout my day.

Working in 33 minute and 33 second (33.33) intervals seems to be the magic productivity number for me.

After each session, I take advantage of a 10-15 minute break by conversing with strangers, walking around the park, practicing yoga, doing push-ups and meditating.

#20 Be More Social – In Real Life

Having a positive sense of community is nearly as important to our health as exercise because the division of work, feeling of association and togetherness all help establish a healthy atmosphere and mindset.

With no separation between work and home life, and no one to answer to, an Internet entrepreneur isn’t forced to keep his body moving, to keep his mind alert, to maintain his appearance, or to do anything that would be socially ideal.

Remember, the most successful entrepreneurs combine great health with great business!

Health by choice, not by chance.

-David Aston

By the way…

How would you like to experience perfect health and greater lifestyle freedom?

My mini-course reveals exactly how and exposes the 7 deadly health mistakes most people make…

Why am I unhealthy mini course

The post 20 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Immediately Improve Their Health appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

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Build Great Backlinks
David Aston

Friday, 11 April 2014

[Build Great Backlinks] 7 Website Design Features That Will Increase Profits and Usability

Build Great Backlinks

I’m excited to introduce the first of many posts for the all new AwesomeWeb Series here at IncomeDiary!

Each week I’ll ask 6 other internet entrepreneurs a specific question relating to your online success. 

At the end of each weekly post, you’ll have an opportunity to vote on the best responses. This helps keep things interesting and of the highest quality.

Between the 7 of us, Josh Dunlop, Brian Moran, Nicholas Tart, Tom Lambert, Dainis Graveris, Michael Dunlop, and myself (David Aston), we’ve gotten over 150 million unique visitors, launched dozens of digital and physical products, had our products viewed over 1 billion times and earned millions of dollars and fans alike.

That said, this first question in the series is an obvious place to start because we’re first introduced to a website visually. 

People are often quick to judge you based on your appearance, and the same is true when it comes to website design.

Easy navigation and a visually pleasing layout will help tremendously when it comes to converting your prospects into customers.

7 Design Features Your Website May Be Missing:

Membership Logins - Josh Dunlop

membership logins

One feature I love is actually quite subtle, and that's membership logins.

When I arrive at a tutorial site like my own, and I see 'Members Area' or 'Members Login', I'm intrigued by what they have to offer. It instantly makes me think that if they sell something to someone as a membership, then they must have something worth buying.

That they're someone worth following.

It's such a small feature, but it has a big impact on the way I perceive a website. It also helps to drive sales as I'm intrigued by what they're selling.

A Well-Thought-Out and Strategically-Placed Headline - Nick Tart 


When we were designing the homepage for a new startup, I asked Michael if we needed a headline. Surely the user would land on the page, understand what we’re doing, and know to use the search feature.

We looked at examples (KISSmetrics, Freshbooks, CrazyEgg, etc.) and they all had headlines, even as SaaS companies. In Web Domination 20, Yanik Silver mentioned that his page design process starts with brainstorming 100 headlines.

So we brainstormed headlines that explained both what our new company does and why you should use it.

We settled on:

“Find The Best Designers and Developers Who Could’ve Started Yesterday

What? Find Designers and Developers

Why? The Best, Who Could’ve Started Yesterday

Once we had the copy, we made the first line red because it’s the first color you see and we want people to start at the headline.

The next challenge was positioning the headline and tying it to the call to action. After six homepage iterations we settled on a layout, but there was a lot of white space (grey space) between the headline and the search area.

To direct people to the call to action, we added an arrow from the headline to the search box (as seen in the photo).

When we’re writing a blog post, the headline is a natural part of the post. But it’s not as obvious for supplemental pages or even your homepage.

Every page needs a headline that explains the what & why, is designed to be the first thing you see, and leads into the call to action. Michael understood this. I had to learn it.

Eye-popping Calls To Action - Brian Moran

Eye popping call to action

All marketers should include eye-popping calls to action. Whatever the purpose of the current web page is, make that more obvious than any other feature or design element on the page. Example of this would be buttons that tell users what actions to take.

For example:

  1. Sign Up Now
  2. Get Instant Access
  3. Download the PDF
  4. Register for the Webinar
  5. Show me the Video

Great examples of landing pages that have obvious calls to action are and

All three of these sites make sure that the visitor will notice the 1 thing they want you to do. Far too many marketers forget this simple tactic, and it can absolutely crush your conversion rate.

Email Capture Form - Tom Lambert

Email capture

An Email capture form.

Believe it or not – 90% of the people that visit your website will never do business with you in any capacity.

Capturing email addresses while prospects are on your website gives you a chance to increase those odds and nurture them with high quality content while building a relationship. Your effective frequency will vary but virtually none of your visitors will see your product or service once and be convinced to do business with you.

Adding a simple lead capture form to your website will without a doubt double or triple your effectiveness with minimal effort. Be sure to offer an irresistible lead magnet that attracts the type of people you want to do business with.

For example, if you’re an accountant and want to attract multi-millionaire entrepreneurs write a report along the lines of “7 Costly Mistakes Every Millionaire Entrepreneur Makes When Filing Quarterly Taxes” – making the opt-in offer this specific will help pre-qualify your leads before you ever send them an email.

I recommend a two prong approach: add an email capture form to the sidebar of all of your website posts/pages and an exit popup with the same offer using software like Popup Domination

Threaded Comments and Comment Upvotes - Dainis Graveris 

Threaded Comments

This is again a subtle improvement, but one I found out was really helping to connect with our readers.

Threaded comments really help to follow up on conversations. You should definitely address every genuine comment from every reader and ask a follow up question.

It will increase your comment count (perceived value), it will increase reader engagement and add to your content, which is indexed in Google! I would suggest to also add subscribe to comments feature (I need to install it myself again)…

I guess I could use AwesomeWeb once it's live.. :)

In the meantime, check out this plugin: - Now when you engage with readers there’s a greater chance they’ll come back!

Little tip: To increase engagement always ask questions at the end of an article… and ask questions when replying to comments.

I included Comment Upvote, because there are lots of skimmers and scanners, who like the article, who read the comments, but who don't necessary engage leaving their own comment.

I have noticed many enjoy up voting, down voting comments if they agree or disagree with something. Even this simple action from them, increases user engagement! 

Improve Text Readability – Michael Dunlop

Text styling is often one of the most over looked parts of web design. 
It's also probably the most important.
If you can't read the text on the page, how can you expect your readers to become customers? 
Here's some examples of what I'm talking about:
  1. Text links use to be blue and underlined. This is how they should look on a website. Then people started changing how they looked because the technology aloud us to do it. The further you get away from how they use to look, the less people will click your links. Which means less money. If you visit all the top websites today, the majority will use blue text links, most have shifted away from underlining a link. This could be partly because they are big brands and people become programmed to know how to use them.
  2. Black text on a white background, it's the most readable format. Just yesterday my Dad rang me up to ask about a project I'm working on. He mentioned the designer used grey text on white background for part of the site. It was harder to read, so I got the text changed to black.
  3. Text width. I think the industry standard/recommendation is around 600 pixels wide. If your text area is wider than that, it starts becoming harder to read. 
  4. Text spacing. Please don't take my word on this because I never did so well at writing in school, but as far as I'm concerned, paragraphs should be small. It makes it look more appealing to read. This is probably why I've written this in a list form, it's easier to consume.  
  5. Headlines should stand out. A lot of people skim blog posts, trying to find what they are looking for. I don’t just bold my headlines, I make the font larger using h tags ( <h2>headline</h2>) – I then use the h tags to create a table of contents box. Here’s a great plugin for table of contents:
When I create web pages, I just think to myself, what do I want to see and where?

Make Sure Your Site Has Usability – David Aston


If you’re in the process of establishing a web asset, I invite you to ask yourself a few questions.

Ask yourself WHY you want a website and WHO will be using it.

This is a critical step in the creation process because a natural health website is going to look and feel different than a daily deal eCommerce website.

With each new startup I dedicate an entire wall in my office to outlining my new website schematic.

The navigation bar is typically where I’ll begin because this helps identify your sites main idea. Make it a point to organize the navigation buttons in order of importance (going from top to bottom or left to right).

Once you have the navigation organized in order of importance, figure out what content will be dedicated to each page. Be sure to keep your visitor in mind without overwhelming them with excessive links to “money pages.” 

Remember, using colors to reflect your content and site identity goes a long way.

Dark red and bright yellow cause people to take action, blues and greens build trust, and as Michael mentioned, dark text on a light background is a must for readability.

You can discover more about empathizing color psychology in web design here.

Actually, readability’s really important and plays a HUGE role in a websites overall usability.

Be sure to use appropriate fonts (nothing too fancy) and make sure your grandfather and little brother can both read it!

If your visitors read a sentence with any difficulty they’ll simply exit your site and head on over to your competitors.

Prevent this by keeping sentences to 15 words or less and paragraphs around 2 sentences. This maximizes engagement and keeps your sites readability around a 5th grade level.

Remember you’re writing for web users not your university professor.

You can check your website / article readability by using this tool.

These methods helped me find creatively concise ways to emphasize my point and enhance usability. I trust they’ll do the same for you.

Final Thought

Three things I want you to tell me in the comments:

  1. Which point is most relevant to you?
  2. How can this post be better?
  3. What questions would you like us to answer in future?

Have a great weekend,


The post 7 Website Design Features That Will Increase Profits and Usability appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

You may view the latest post at

Build Great Backlinks
David Aston