Friday, 25 October 2013

[Build Great Backlinks] 10 Practical Productivity Hacks of Successful Bloggers

Build Great Backlinks

We all have a million things going on and the world is busier than ever.

Bloggers and Entrepeneurs have to be weary of where to spend their time in order to cut through the clutter and reach their goals.

Today we'll cover some of the hacks that come in handy for many of the worlds best bloggers and entrepeneurs and will greatly increase you productivity as well.

1. Journaling & Planning

"If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions." – Albert Einstein


Journaling is one of the most effective ways to get thoughts out of your head and transform them into definite plans of action. It was used by many great achievers as a tool to get both inspiration and perspective on their thoughts and actions.
among them are:

  • Richard Branson
  • Albert Einstein
  • Thomas Edison
  • Leonardo Davinci
  • Andrew Carnegie
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Winston Churchill
  • Napoleon hill

just to name a few. Since our time on this planet is limited, it comes to no surprise that successful people and those seeking success value their time as their most precious asset. So should you! Planning and reflecting on your actions and the Problem at hand, even just for a 5 minutes a day, will definitely give you more clarity. It makes sure that you spend your valuable time doing things that give you joy and have a positive impact.
Also, successful Bloggers get into the habit of taking notes of their ideas, plans and knowledge in order to stay on top of things. The faster you establish the habit of writing things down when they come to mind, taking notes on the books and courses you read, the more you will be able to stay on top of things when times get busy and stressful.

Practical steps to get started:

  • Grab a Journal or Post-it and write down at least 7 Things you want to do tomorrow and Put/Post it somewhere where you will definitely see it tomorrow morning (i.e. your screen, office etc.)
  • Get into the habit of performing this task every day before going to bed.
  • Train your idea-muscle (especially helpful if you don’t have a website yet or are short on ideas) Use a timer, set it for 5 minutes. and write down as many ideas as possible. Do not judge or evaluate anything, just write as much as you can. This can include everything, from exporting Grizzlies to zoos in India to creating a new iPhone app. Go Nuts! The aim of this exercise is to train your creative idea muscle and get ideas out without being limited by reason. If you do this every morning you will be amazed at the amount of ideas that pop into your mind.
  • Apply the idea-muscle idea from above to any specific project you like. Got a website? Create a to-do list for your website! What needs to be done. What could be done, what would be awesome.
  • Go through your list and limit it to 5 things.
  • Prioritize them by ease of implementation.
  • Then do it!

2. Working in short bursts

“Getting your shoes on is the hardest part of any workout.” – Kathrine Switzer

time blocks

For most people including myself, the most difficult thing is do take action consistently. I believe that the main sources for this are fear and the feeling of overwhelm. We dont take action because we fear that its not gonna work, that we will look stupid once we fail and we can’t see the end result yet.

Sounds familiar?

We try to estimate what it would take and conclude that its not really worth the effort and i dont have the time now.

Think of jogging.
Most people start running and love the feeling. They run for 30 minutes and the next day their muscles are sore The problem is that they think they need to run for another 30 minutes, otherwise whats the point. That is hard to commit to when your muscles are sore. I will go tomorrow they say, but tomorrow never comes.
The solution. Instead of aiming for 30 minutes, they should make it a habit to put their running shoes on and walk for 20 meters before jogging back. Everything more is up to them, but that is 20 m is all that’s necessary. Sounds stupid? Try it out and see how it works. The beauty of this is that very soon people will want to run, because 20 m become too simple. When you take this approach with any endeavor, your whiny voice will shut up much more often, because it can’t tell you that you don’t have the time to put shoes on for 20 meters. And that’s great, because on some days you’ll run just that, and on others you’ll do much more.

I have used this strategy successfully for several goals of mine.
2 Years ago I wanted to create the habit of meditating daily, since I really enjoyed the feeling whenever i did it. So I set myself the goal to meditate for at least 1 min each day (5 deep breaths). That's it! I have meditated daily ever since and I will continue to do so, because even though now I always do 15 minutes, even on the busiest day i will find time for 5 deep breaths.

Another thing is writing. Be it for University or Business, we have to write a lot. Therefore, I often set myself the goal of writing at least 4 x 15 minutes, which makes it easy to get myself going because the anxious part of my brain knows that I could come back any time later and finish it. Of course I rarely need this but it’s easier to convince the lazy/anxious part of my brain of 4 x 15 min sessions than 1 h each day. It's all a matter of perspective.

Practical steps to implement this:

  • What is something you need to work or a habit you'd like to create? Is it a blog post? A study paper? Phonecalls? Running daily?
  • Whatever it is, give yourself a limited time between 1 – 15 minutes depending on your task and skill
  • Remember. it's better to jog 50 meters each day than for 30 minutes once every blue moon.
  • Get stayfocusd for online tasks and use the nuclear function to assure you won't cheat yourself.
  • Use a timer like focus booster for your 15 min increments or productivity.

3. Batching

"Batch meetings or calls in one or two set days, with 15 minutes between appointments. Scattering them throughout the week at odd times just interrupts everything else." – Tim Ferriss

documents in the trayBatching describes the principle of grouping similar actions together to be done in one "batch" of time in order to enhance productivity. This approach is highly practical and has been adopted by many successful online entrepreneurs.

By organizing your week in batches you'll not only know when is what but have more clarity of what to do in between batches, since these batches can provide a productive framework to schedule your days.

For example, Derek Halpern from has a determined day for shooting his YouTube videos. Instead of filming each video individually and posting it, he writes up the scripts during the weeks and has one day where the camera is rolling for hours. This way he creates a backlog of Videos and posts that will be released automatically over the coming weeks, during which he can take care of marketing, researching and living a great life.

Probably the biggest drain on our attention online is everything regarding to communication, be it emails, twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp or any of the others.
While it may seem scary, try to limit your email to certain times to check. I personally allow myself only 10 min of distraction sites (FB, News, etc) each day using a chrome extension called stayfocusd! I also aim to check mail only twice daily (12.15 & 18.15) That may seem extreme, but it has worked wonders for me. I get more stuff done and have clear goals for using those 10 minutes.

Obviously you want to adapt this to your preferences and sites, but lets be honest. We all have sites that we use as outlets for wasting time and chilling around. And there is nothing wrong with these sites. Just make sure you use them in moderation and focus on the things that will actually give you energy (working out, quality times with friends and loved ones etc.) This will not only get you faster towards your goals, but make you happier too.

4. Pulling content into resource pages

"There are tons of different factors that go into ranking well, but the biggest is high-quality content." – David Sinick

bundelingWhat's the lifeblood of successful Blogs? Great Content and Promotion of that content.

If you find yourself in an evergreen niche (where your published content will always remain relevant), you may benefit greatly from pulling your already created articles into even better Resource pages. A great example of this is Josh Dunlops Beginners guide to photography, which provides a great content overview and links out to many of his own articles.

The beauty of this is that these sites have natural advantages:

  • High SEO potential, since they they tend to be long in nature
  • Get shared a lot, since they provide a concise overview over a specific topic
  • Provides a hub for people entering your page
  • Great monetization potential since you're providing great value and your CTA is highly relevant (i.e. if you want to do X, I recommend Y/sign up for more via email)

5. Engaging users to generate content

group contentOther ways to get great content without having to come up with ideas is asking questions to your audience and answer them as in show format. Marie Forleo does an excellent job at this. While this format is especially great for YouTube shows, podcasts and Webinars it can also be done in text format, especially when using polls or contests to get participants. If you make it a habit to engage your audience in this way, getting new content should be the least of your worries. Most followers enjoy personalized content since they often can relate to it. And if you give your fans the chance to be run part of the show, the are likely to take you up on the offer.

It can also make introductions much easier, since you have a crowd to back up demand.
Example: If you ask your audience whom to interview next and get 20 votes for Michael Dunlop, you'll have both an easier time following through (because you pretty much have to at this point ;) ) and also have a reason for contacting Michael and presenting yourself more or less as the Ambassador of your audience (i.e. these people want you and have these questions!). Furthermore, if you follow through on your audience tips, they will be more open to reciprocate if you give them the chance to (i.e. "Let's get to 25 shares in order to get a second round interview etc.)

6. Outsource writing or research

"Do what you do best and outsource the rest." – Julian Hall

write5While successful bloggers always add their personality in their texts to make sure their content is consistent, it can be a great investment to pay for research or Blogposts themselves. If you find it easier to edit existing content than writing something from scratch:

Research your keywords and topics of interest
Pay for someone to write on them (a detailed sophisticated process of this including actual scripts can be found at Module 3 of the Mastersblueprint)
Edit the content to fit your needs and make it pretty.

That way you can make progress much faster, especially if you don't have many posts yet, since the base structure is already written and you have something tangible to work with. Also, you will find that the more you invest in good research and base structure, the more interest you will have in getting the post out there! It gives you a feeling of control and consistency to know that other people deliver while you sleep.

7. Allow guestbloggers with caution

guestGuestblogging is seen on Blogs like this one, problogger, fourhourblog and many more. Guestblogging can be great because you can get great Content for free or very little money while have others work for you.

Whether to use guestblogging depends on your strategy and goals:

If you plan to build a business that becomes less about your but about your brand. By enabling guestposts you not only have more content to share, but your Blog also becomes easier to sell since your audience is used to guestposts and the business could potentially be operated without your involvement. Furthermore, if you find relevant content and make it an exclusivity to write for you you can attract great relationships and offers. For an example of this look at Tim Ferriss' Blog: By leveraging high quality guest posts that attract a lot of reach he not only boosts his own credibility (He's the guy giving all these people a stage and is affiliated with them), but also becomes a desirable platform to be on for many top notch entrepreneurs.

If you want to build a great personal brand that relies only on your appearance and thoughts, than opening your blog for guestauthors may harm your personal brand and upset your audience. People usually don't like it when their favorite author suddenly is replaced by another, even just temporarily (this is particularly true for domains with your name in it (imagine guestposts on

In any case: you have to be very conscious about what type of guestposts you allow –> don’t drop quality for quantity!

8. Distraction free environments

"Deleting 200 spams a day is a drag. And I was checking my email constantly, rather than getting on with my real work, which is reading and writing. Email was becoming a distraction, a burden rather than a liberation." – Tom Hodgkinson

distraction freeOne of the biggest win for any blogger is the setup of distraction free environments! Creating a place of order, structure and clarity is not only helpful for your productivity, but will make your day more satisfactory by allowing for maximum output in a short period of time. There is definitely a reason why Steve Jobs demanded every Wall and Ceiling to be painted in pure white, without anything hanging on the walls. But creating your own distraction free zone can be had more quickly.

Here are some hacks I found helpful in setting it up:

  • Clean up! No-brainer, but a messy environment leaves a messy mind. Go pick up your stuff and either store it or throw it away entirely. The time will be well invested.
  • Open the window for fresh air and get a glass of water.
  • Give yourself a time-frame (i.e. 4 x 15 minutes, see point 2.) You mind enjoys clarity!
  • Write down all the things you need to take care of later and put it somewhere behind you so that you can act on it later.
  • Turn your phone into airplane mode and put it aside so you can't see it (behind you or in another room.
  • Use good headphones (I personally use these Headphones model from AKG, but others will do as well) and just put them on. I often don't listen to anything, but it helps me shut out any noise.
  • If you do listen to something or feel your mind wandering too much, put on one of these two tracks. (XX-Intro 10h & ambient Rain 10h) to neutralize auditory sensations until you get into flow (usually takes around 10-20 min. for me)
  • Get F.Lux! This free little software runs in the background and shifts your screen colors to reflect the state of the sun at your location. No more eye strain or headaches from working in the evening! Must have.
  • Use the Nuklear option of stayfocusd to only allow the websites you need to work effectively!
  • Maximize your browser window to go full screen (F11 on Chrome). More Space, less distraction!

9. Get a life outside of the internet

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." – John Lennon

offlineLast but not least, it is important to get a break and take care of life. The most important business decisions happen offline!

While your blog, your community and all the other goodness are all great fun and a big part of your life, don’t be foolish to think that a successful blog will solve all your problems.

Example: Lets say that your constantly online, only focused on your blog. You publish new content daily
and your community is growing. You hustle and post on Facebook, YouTube and all the other things that are
out there. You build great relationships with other bloggers, which enable you access to an entirely new level online. Your audience loves it and wants more of you and your voice online. That’s when you discover that you feel burned out and the enjoyment that you got in the beginning from a new comment has veined to something annoying. You may have lost relationships along the way because you never spent time with friends and only wanted to talk about business, you may have gotten in bad shape or even become ill in the process.

In short, you have become unbalanced! But the problem is, your audience has become so used to your presence that they riot about why you’re not posting or responding to comments like you used to. We as humans get used to things very quickly and usually don’t like it when things change.

Be aware of your commitments in the beginning and maintain a life outside of Business as well, so your Business can become and stay a sustainable pillar of joy, service and wealth for you and your audience.

10. Learn less, do more

“Knowledge doesn’t pay for anything, it’s what you do with that knowledge that pays.” – Napoleon Hill

startIf you want to get ahead in life, this is definitely the biggest piece of the puzzle. Spend less time looking and more time doing! Simple advice that you'll find hard to follow! It is something that I personally struggle with constantly! I love learning and see how others got to where they are and how I can do the same. However, it has become my comfort-zone.

Learning is great joy and should be a definite part of your life, however, too much learning can cause you too never take action and stay in the belief that there is something else you need to learn before you can get started!

Sounds familiar? I have spent 1000+ hours just learning stuff about computer graphics and online marketing. I have had great successes in many areas, but still have no successful blog!

Learning has become my comfort-zone and that needs to change!

The reason is simple. it is easy to stay where we are and comfortable to know a lot and talk a great deal but never acting on it. This is also the quality I admire most about Michael.
When he’s got an idea he acts on it, IMMEDIATELY!

As Noah Kagan from Appsumo says: “Getting real Feedback from potential customers is more valuable than any book you’ll ever read.”

So let's stop right there and get going!

To sum up, here are the 10 areas to improve your Productivity:

  1. Journal on your goals & ideas to gain clarity over the lifestyle you want to live. (The best books providing self assessments are: Click millionaires and Think and Grow Rich)
  2. Use a timer to work on one task for 1-15 minutes, than see if you are in for another round.
  3. Batch your Tasks, especially mail and social media.
  4. Combine your existing articles into resource pages.
  5. Try outsourcing your blogpost drafts! For more info on how to do this effectively, check out MastersBlueprint.
  6. Experiment with allowing Guestposts! Choose Quality over Quantity!
  7. Get your users to contribute content (Q&A, contests, polls, desired interviews etc.)
  8. Schedule time for your offline life.
  9. Create distraction free environments where you can get to work without loosing focus.
  10. Learn less, do more! No one will pay you for what you know, but only for what you do with what you know!

If you found this article helpful, share with your ambitious friends. Also tell us your experience! Which tools and techniques help you to get the most out of your day! We'd love to hear it!

The post 10 Practical Productivity Hacks of Successful Bloggers appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

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Build Great Backlinks
Mattis Weiler

Thursday, 24 October 2013

[Build Great Backlinks] 50 Wise Thoughts on Business

Build Great Backlinks

Every day, we get a little bit older and a little bit wiser. But what if there was a way to skip ahead and get years worth of wisdom in a single day?

Confucius once said that there are three ways to become wise:  the noble way to get wiser is through self-reflection; the bitter way to get wiser is through experience; and the easy way to get wiser is through imitation.

Personally, I’d rather wise up the easy way — and that’s why I’ve made the following resource.

To imitate the wisdom of the world’s most successful CEO’s and Founders, I’ve spent the last week sifting through the vastness of the Internet for the most wise thoughts on business. The wise thoughts below come people like Steve Jobs, Andrew Carnegie, Richard Branson, and PayPal founder Elon Musk (who I recently profiled for startup advice).

I’ve organized this post into six sections which you can skip to with the table of contents on the right. I’ll start off with my five favorite business proverbs, which I found here. Then I’ll share business leaders’ wisdom on what really matters, the importance of customers, metaphors for business, business tips, and conclude with my top ten most wise thoughts on business.


5 Wise Business Proverbs

business wisdom tree

#1  On Planting Trees

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

– Chinese Proverb

#2  On Focus

“He who begins many things finishes but few.”

– German Proverb

#3  On Castles

“Building a castle is difficult. Defending and maintaining it is harder still.”

– Asian Proverb

#4  On Perseverance

“Fall seven times, stand up eight.”

– Japanese Proverb

#5  On Your Calling

“Everyone should observe carefully which way his heart draws him, and then choose that way with all his strength.”

– Hasidic Proverb

Photo Courtesy of Skoeber

10 Thoughts on What Really Matters in Business


#1  Vision

“Capital isn’t scarce; vision is.”

– Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart

#2  Service

“He profits most who serves best.”

– Arthur F. Sheldon, Early Rotary Club Leader

#3  Knowledge

“To succeed in business, to reach the top, an individual must know all it is possible to know about that business.”

– J. Paul Getty, Founder of the Getty Oil Company

#4  People

“Take away my people, but leave my factories, and soon grass will grow on the factory floors. Take away my factories, but leave my people, and soon we will have a new and better factory."

– Andrew Carnegie, Founder of the Carnegie Steel Company

As Mary Kay once said, “A company is only as good as the people it keeps.”

#5  Experience

“In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins:  cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.”

– Harold Geneen, Former President of the ITT Corporation

#6  Peers

 "It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction."

– Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway

#7  Character

“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.” -

– Norman Schwarzkopf, US General

#8  Time

“Your greatest resource is your time.”

– Brian Tracy, Motivational Speaker and Author

#9  Your Network

“Your network is your net worth.”

– Tim Sanders (and many others), former Yahoo! Director

#10  Your Customers

“Revolve your world around your customers and more customers will revolve around you.”

– Heather Williams


10 Thoughts on The Importance of Happy Customers

happy customres

I found so much wisdom on customers, I had no choice but to give customer wisdom its very own segment. Great business minds just seem to get that “the result of a business is a satisfied customer” (Peter Drucker).

#1  Think of The Customer as Your Boss

“There is only one boss:  the customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down simply by spending his money somewhere else.”

– Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart

#2  Let them Design Your Products

“Who decides what’s in Windows?  The customers who buy it.”

– Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft

#3  …Or Don’t 

"You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new."

– Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple Inc.

More on Jobs:  21 Life Lessons from Steve Jobs

#4  Talk to Your Customers

“The more you engage with customers, the easier it is to determine what you should be doing.”

– John Russell, President of Harley Davidson

#5  Learn from Your Customers

“Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.”

– Zig Ziglar, Founder of Zig Ziglar Corporation

More on Ziglar:  11 Life-Changing Business Lessons from Zig Ziglar

#6  Happy Customers are Your Greatest Marketing Tool

“If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.”

– Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon

There’s simply no more effective, more persuasive marketing tool than word of mouth. Bezos has talked about word of mouth is particularly important for online businesses:  ”If you make your customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends.”  I would argue that the same is true today regardless of whether the business is online or off.

More on Bezos:  15 Business Lessons from Amazon’s Jeff Bezos

#7  Good Customer Service Never Quits

“Customer service is just a day in, day out, ongoing, never-ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate type of activity.”

–  Leon Gorman, CEO of L.L. Bean

#8  Like and Respect Your Customers  On liking:

“If you don’t genuinely like your customers, chances are they won’t buy.”

– Thomas Watson, Former CEO of IBM

And respecting:

“It all starts with respect. If you respect the customer as a human being, and truly honor their right to be treated fairly and honestly, everything else is much easier.”

– Doug Smith

#9  Focus on Maintaining Customers

“Every client you keep is one less that you need to find.”

– Nigel Sanders

 #10  The Customer is Always Right

 ”Right or wrong, the customer is always right.”

– Marshall Field, Founder of Marshall Feed and Company

Photo Courtesy of Donna Cymek

5 Deep Metaphors for Business

business is art pollock

#1  Business is Art

“Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.”

– Andy Warhol, Pop Artist

#2  Business is War + Sport

“Business is a combination of war and sport.”

– Andre Maurois, French Author

#3  Business is a Seafaring

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.”

– William G.T. Shedd, American Theologian

#4  Business is a Game

“Business is more exciting than any game.”

– Lord Beaverbrook, Anglo-Canadian Business Tycoon

#5  Business is a Struggle

“Business is always a struggle. There are always obstacles and competitors. There is never an open road, except the wide road that leads to failure. Every great success has always been achieved by fight. Every winner has scars.”

– Herbert N. Casson, Canadian Author


10 Wise Business Tips

your age doesn't matter   #1  Have Fun…

“A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.”

– Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group, Ltd.

More on Branson:  15 Business Lessons from Richard Branson

#2  …But Not Too Much Fun

“I don’t like to do just the things I like to do. I like to do the things that cause the company to succeed. I don’t spend a lot of time doing my favorite activities.”

– Michael Dell

#3  Be Decisive

“The first one gets the oyster; the second gets the shell.”

– Andrew Carnegie, Founder of the Carnegie Steel Company

The first person to identify and capitalize on a new business model has a huge advantage over the competition. Act decisively and quickly to benefit. Act slowly and you end up chewing on oyster shells.

#4  Take Risks

“You cannot avoid risk, you just need to manage it.”

– Dr. Neal W. Pollock

#5  Think Positive

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”

– Henry Ford, Founder of Ford

#6  Work Hard

“Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were.”

–  David Rockefeller

And another:

“No legitimate business man ever got started on the road to permanent success by any other means than that of hard, intelligent work, coupled with an earned credit, plus character.”

– F.D. Van Amburgh, Author of The Mental Spark Plug

#7  Have a Heart

“To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business and your business in your heart.”

– Thomas Watson, Sr., former CEO of IBM

#8 Mess Up

“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not making decisions.”

– Catherine Cook, Founder of MeetMe

#9  Make it Personal

“All good businesses are personal. The best businesses are very personal.”

– Mark Cuban

More on Cuban:  10 Winning Business Lesson from Mark Cuban

 #10  Solve Big Problems

“Solving big problems is easier than solving little problems.”

– Sergey Brin, Founder of Google

More on Brin:  Google’s 8 Simple Rules

10 Most Wise Thoughts on Business

big thoughts business

#1  Change = Opportunity

“The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.”

– Peter F. Drucker, Management Consultant and Author

#2  Fast is the New Big

“The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow.”

– Rupert Murdoch, Founder of News Corporation

#3  Lead through Innovation

“Innovation distinguishes between being a leader and a follower.”

– Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple Inc.

#4  Automate (Carefully)

“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.”

– Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft

More on Gates:  Top 10 Business Lessons from Bill Gates

#5  Figure Out How to Provide More For Less

“The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed.”

– Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motor Company

#6  Good Business Benefits All

“I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view that, for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as well.”

– Alan Greenspan, American Economist and Federal Reserve Chairman

#7  Elevate the Product

"I'd say stay very focused on the quality of the product.   People get really  wrapped up in all sorts of esoteric notions of how to manage etc., [but]  I think people should get much more focused on the product itself – how do you make the product incredibly compelling to a customer – just become maniacally focused on building it better.  I think people get distracted from that."

– Elon Musk, Founder of Tesla Motors

#8  Pay Well

“I don't pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages.”

– Robert Bosch, German Industrialist

#9  Don’t Seek Perfection

“Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings.”

– Bob Parsons, Founder of

#10  There’s No Limit 

“We are currently not planning on conquering the world.”

– Sergey Brin, Founder of Google

 Photo Courtesy of C@rljones

Want More Wise Thoughts?

I hope you’re feeling more than just one day wiser after reading these 50 thoughts on business. But if you’re still hungry for more wisdom, you can check out the inspiration for this article, 50 Great Thoughts on Success. Here’s one of my favorites:

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”

–  Winston Churchill

Before I go I want to leave you with one wise thought, from one of the wisest people to have ever lived, Socrates:  ”The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.”

The post 50 Wise Thoughts on Business appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

You may view the latest post at

Build Great Backlinks
Nick Scheidies

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

[Build Great Backlinks] Why You Should Love Money

Build Great Backlinks

Loving Money to Attract More of It

The most provocative and controversial aspect of my two million copy bestselling book, Moneylove, is its title. When I first wrote it, in 1978, most people thought money and love were polar opposites. I was a pioneer in suggesting that loving your money was the path to getting a lot more of it.

My concept of Moneylove is not about accumulating huge hoards of cash, or obsessing over money. It's about loving yourself enough to produce the money you deserve, loving your work so you can more easily and happily produce wealth, and being a more loving person so that other people will be attracted to you and to whatever ideas, products, or services you offer.

Love is the most powerful emotion human beings feel, and emotion has a lot to do with the results you get in life. There are probably a lot of millionaires who don't love money, but the ones who seem to be happiest and most fulfilled–creatively, personally, in business, and in terms of making a difference in the world, exude their love and passion for what they do and the success they achieve. When I say they love money, I don't mean they lust after it, or are even motivated by it…they do what they do because they love doing it, and other people–who are after all, the source of all our money, are attracted to that positive energy, and therefore are happy to give them lots of money. Super Wealthy people like the late Steve Jobs, or Richard Branson, or Oprah, or Jeff Bezos of Amazon, or new billionaire Sara Blakely, the creator of Spanx….are driven by their love for what they do. They don't hate money or think it's an evil force–they enjoy the fruits of their labors, and they love everything about what they do in the world, include creating great wealth.


Here are seven great reasons why you should love money.

Great Reason #1

You should love money because it is the way the world lets you know you are on the right path.

Great Reason #2

You should love money because all the world loves a lover, and people will be
attracted to you and what you are offering when you exude that love energy. The message you want to send the world is:

"I am filled with love for my work, my life, and my constantly increasing prosperity, and everyone likes to be near me and buy what I am offering."

Great Reason #3

You should love money because the alternative sucks. Hating or even mildly disliking money leads to poverty and unhappy frustration.

Great Reason #4

You should love money because it buys you the freedom and time to love
everything and everyone else in your life. This means saying to yourself (try it):
"I have a great life because I can afford to own my time and have the freedom to do what I want when I want and with whom I want to do it."

Great Reason #5.

You should love money because it allows you to amplify and multiply your
positive impact on the world. Your personal prosperity proclamation for this one:
"I love the difference I can make because of my financial success."

Great Reason #6

You should love money because is it is the only inanimate object capable of
loving you back.

"I love money and money loves me."

Great Reason #7

You should love money for the sheer fun and joy of playing with it, spending it,
and sharing it. As Sara Blakely, the youngest self-made female billionaire in history, puts it: "Money is fun to make, fun to spend and fun to give away!"

At this point in my treatise, are you convinced that money and love belong together in our lexicon of essential aspects of life?

These two vital parts of any happy and fulfilled life share incalculable common traits.

Here are just ten of them for you to ponder.

1. Energy. Perhaps the most important thing money and love have in common is that they both involve energy, in many instances, the same energy. An energy we create inside our deepest selves and then project out to others. When you're in the presence of someone actually emanating this energy, you can feel it, and it is very hard to resist. Why would you even want to try?

2. Communication. Equally important in having a successful, happy and fulfilling relationship, and in having lots of money flow into your life. Warren Buffet has said that communication is the key to his being one of the richest people in the world:

"You can get an MBA, but if you improve your communication skills, I will guarantee you that you will earn 50% more over your lifetime."

3. Other People. We get our love and our money from other people. These are often ignored when so called prosperity teachers talk about The Law of Attraction. And one of the highest manifestations of success is to have other people love to give you money.

This is one of my favorite personal affirmations: "People love to give me money."

There are no limits to what you can accomplish in life when other people give you what you want in terms of love, money, acknowledgement, advice, opportunity and support–and those are exactly the people you will attract when you project a loving energy, a loving personality, a love of what you do.

4. Painful Loss. Losing a major loved one, or having a big loss in business
can be devastating, And your reaction to that loss can be the direct result of how easily you believe you can replace either that loved one, or that money in your life.

In both love and money, your capacity for resilience–the ability to bounce back from a loss or setback–determines your level of fulfillment, joy and positive results.

5. Showing Off. Both money and love often lead to this. We are proud to have others know we have someone wonderful, attractive, sexy, and charming who loves us or proud that we have achieved lots of financial success. In both areas we sometimes go overboard in showing off to others. And this can lead to resentment.

Here's a prosperity secret: the more people who enjoy and applaud your success rather than resent it, the more likely you are to keep increasing that success.

6. Addiction. You can become addicted to love, and you can become addicted to money, to the point where you obsess about either day and night.

As my late friend and mentor, Ken Keyes Jr., said in his bestselling book, The Handbook to Higher Consciousness," an addiction is any desire so strong that not achieving it makes you upset, angry, or depressed. Here's something to ponder. Ken Keyes Jr. also said, "You are receiving a signal or a warning to get rid of some addiction in your life every time you feel emotionally uncomfortable or out-of-sorts." Ken was not saying you had to get rid of something you strongly desire, but suggested instead that you upgrade it from an addiction or compulsive attachment to a preference for that certain something.

I am not obsessed with making lots of money and getting a lot richer, but I definitely prefer it to the alternative.

7. Old Stuff. In both money and love, we have old history, old beliefs, even old myths that get in the way of our achieving greater success right now.

In love, we may be holding onto a fantasy about what the perfect partner will look and act like. Often these fantasy beliefs came from our parents or other significant people in our early years. In terms of earning money, many people are still holding onto the old belief that you will achieve your highest potential in terms of earnings if you find a company to work for, are a loyal and hardworking employee for forty years, and retire with your gold watch and a generous pension to begin a life of leisure. This construct or concept is filled with an amazing number of stereotypical myths. I'm not sure this fantasy was ever true for most people, but certainly in today's totally transformed economy, the best response one can offer up for that idea is FC or Fat Chance.

Having a sense of lack about love or money in your life might be a message telling you to look at the path you have chosen. When you do this, you might find it resembles an obstacle course, littered with large bags of old stuff.

8. Forgiveness. The degree to which you are holding on to anger or sadness about
something that happened in your love life or your work life is the degree to which you may be living a limited and constrained life. Here's a secret about forgiveness: It's not about being a nice person or making the other person feel good. It's about freeing yourself from those energy-draining limitations and constraints.

9. Stinginess. You can be a tightwad with your money or your love.
What you hold onto tightly gets crushed, diminished, or eliminated entirely. What you freely use and share with others gets enhanced and expanded.

10. Feelings. Money and love share emotional amplitude. We all have strong emotions
that can be triggered in these two areas of our existence. In both money and love,
it's not about achieving a specific goal–earning a certain amount in a certain way, or
finding a person to love who meets very detailed criteria. No, it's about how the results
you do achieve make you feel. What we are all really looking for is the feeling we imagine we will have if that special someone shows up–or the feeling we will have when unlimited cash windfalls arrive.

One of my favorite affirmations that covers both desires is:

"I Am Rich and Lovable."

warm and prosperous regards,


Free Moneylove Audio – Exclusive gift.

For a lot more on this subject, Jerry Gillies is offering an exclusive gift to readers of this IncomeDiary article–a forty minute audio on The Connection Between Money and Love. To get your free audio please complete the form below:

Special Note:

This eight week series of exclusive Income Diary articles by Jerry Gillies, author of Moneylove, continues next week with 10 Prosperity Conscious Principles For More Business Profit.

The post Why You Should Love Money appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

You may view the latest post at

Build Great Backlinks
Jerry Gillies

Monday, 21 October 2013

[Build Great Backlinks] 7 Lessons From 50 Blog Posts That Send Me The Most Traffic

Build Great Backlinks

I’ve grown 6 websites from zero to over 100,000 visitors a month from free traffic sources.

All sites were in different niches. This method is simple and it works.

People ask me… “How do you get so much traffic to your websites… so easily?”

I tell them, “I do everything better than my competition”. (well… at least try my best to ;-) )

It’s really quite straight forward. Create the best content possible and then deliver it in the correct way.

People in my experience… find a way to it. I’m not saying you don’t have to work hard, I’m just say, it’s easier when your working with the best content.

Today I looked over my Google Analytics to see what my 50 top blog posts were. I’ve analyzed them and here’s what I learned:

1. My top posts are lists… Shock!

Out of my 50 top articles, 35 start with a number. When I write, I write in a way, I would like to read. Being dyslexic, I like to summarize things, make it easy on myself to consume information. That’s why I think I do such a good job with lists.

Here’s 4 examples of top lists:

  1. 30 Most Influential People In Blogger
  2. 10 Christmas Gifts For Photographers
  3. 20 Health Experts To Follow on Facebook
  4. 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a Young Entrepreneur

Here’s some examples of my favorite top list titles.

2. Mentioning famous people gets you traffic

9 out of 10 of our top articles mention people in some way.

Think about it this way:

If I wrote an article called: 10 Reasons Why Usain Bolt Can Run Faster Than You

I Google 10 things about Bolt and publish it on my fitness blog.

I don’t need Bolt’s permission to write about him, but I get all of the benefits of having his name associated with mine and what it represents about what is written. If I write about how to run faster, no one will want to listen. But If I said I copied Bolt’s blueprint, people will start to take notice.

3. Linking out can increase the time someone spends on your website

4 out of the top 5 articles on this website link out to over a dozen other websites. These articles also had noticeably longer visitor times.

Don’t be scared to link out and show some love. If you recommend something or someone and your reader likes where you sent them, then they will end up trusting you more.

4. The title can make or break an article

Something that is made really obvious when I look at my top 50 blog posts is… the title can really make or break an article.

If you are stuck trying to come up with a title of a post, go to the supermarket and look at the magazines. Modify titles of articles to make them relevant to something you want to write about.

5. Motivation beats inspiration and instruction

8 out of the top 10 articles on IncomeDiary are motivational. Here’s the breakdown for the top 50 articles:

  • Motivational: 24
  • Tutorials: 17
  • Inspirational: 9
  • Reviews: 0
  • News: 0

Motivational, is the type of posts that make you take action and start working.

Tutorials, are articles showing you how to do something. These can often be monetized well by recommending products required to do what you instruct in the tutorial.

Inspirational, is the type of post that gives you ideas.

Reviews, we review products and mention them in our customer autoresponders.

News, often something I would shy away from because it’s not evergreen (always relevant) content. If it gives me a positive ROI, then I will publish them.

It seems people value motivation higher than anything else. It’s not often lacking the skills that holds us back, it’s our work rate. Motivational posts help us focus more on our goals.

Although Reviews and News are not featured in the top 50 posts, they are still a relevant part of my blogging strategy. I just prioritize.


6. Have a content plan

I’m a systems guy. I like to follow a blueprint when I’m doing something because it’s tried and tested, proven to give the best results. I have a doc called Contest Strategy which I send to writers to make sure they have every required to do the best job possible. The better job they can do, the more traffic I get, the more traffic I get, the more money I make. This is some of the information I provide for everyone who writes for us:

  • Image sizes
  • About the author/Gravatar
  • Blog post template
  • Post publish time & date
  • Post title review
  • Post titles swipe copy
  • PSD graphic files which writers can edit

7. Articles are worth paying for

A large percent of articles published on IncomeDiary and paid for.

One of the highest performing posts on IncomeDiary was published last year and has so far received 9,883 visitors in the last 30 days & 106,338 visitors in the last year. I paid $120 for that article.

The easiest way in my experience to get people to write for you is to ask. Ask your friends, your competitors, your customers, readers, employees. Anyone. More content means more traffic, which means more money.

In this screen shot, you can see that the article is now getting more traffic weekly then it did in it’s first week. I have done nothing to it since the day it was published. None of us are SEO experts. All we focus on is great content and let the universe do the rest of the work ;-)

To Conclude:

To write posts that drive lots of traffic, make sure to:

  • Write it in a list form, number it.
  • Mention people your readers will know, it will draw them in.
  • Link out to other websites.
  • Write the perfect name for your article. This should be thought about.
  • Motivate your reader.
  • Keep to a plan & implement.

What type of blog posts are sending you the most traffic right now?

The post 7 Lessons From 50 Blog Posts That Send Me The Most Traffic appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

You may view the latest post at

Build Great Backlinks
Michael Dunlop

Thursday, 17 October 2013

[Build Great Backlinks] Top 50 Young Entrepreneur Quotes

Build Great Backlinks

What goes on inside the head of a 25-year-old billionaire entrepreneur?

Keep reading and they might tell you.

We combed through the interviews, speeches, and rants of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs to find their best quotes. Some quotes will inspire you, others will inform you, and a couple might even just change the way you think about online business forever.

I’ve broken the quotes down into categories like Quotes About Risk and Practical Quotes, which you can view on the table contents to jump to whatever section of quotes you like.  The Internet’s brightest young entrepreneurial minds are talking on subjects from Simplicity to Social Media - and we would be fools not to listen.

Everybody on this list below started their company in their teens or early 20′s and they’ve all achieved wild success beyond their years. A few of the young entrepreneurs on the list’s age has crept into the early 30′s, but that’s still pretty young to be a CEO.

The 50 top quotes from the top young entrepreneurs is below. If you’re interested in this post you may like our 50 Great Thoughts on Success and our Top 30 Quotes To Inspire Entrepreneurs.


Getting Started

quotes 1

“I find it best to dive right in and learn the hard way.”

– Pete Cashmore, Mashable


“If you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress.”

– Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook


"A hard thing is done by figuring out how to start."

– Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz


"To any entrepreneur: if you want to do it, do it now. If you don't, you're going to regret it."

– Catherine Cook, MyYearbook


“If you’ve got an idea, start today. There’s no better time than now to get going. That doesn’t mean quit your job and jump into your idea 100% from day one, but there’s always small progress that can be made to start the movement.”

– Kevin Systrom, Instagram


"Everything started as nothing."

– Ben Weissenstein, Grand Slam Garage Sales



The “Big” Idea

young entrepreneur quotes 2

“I don’t have big ideas. I sometimes have small ideas, which seem to work out.”

– Matt Mullenweg, WordPress


“I suffer from the delusion that every product of my imagination is not only possible, but always on the cusp of becoming real.”

– Sean Parker, Napster


“Choose something unique.”

– Angelo Sotiro, DeviantART


"People tend to think that in order to start a new business they have to come up with something new and dazzling, but that's a myth – and it's often propagated by venture capitalists."

– Gurbaksh Chahal, RadiumOne


“If Google teaches you anything, it’s that small ideas can be big.”

– Ben Silbermann, Pinterest



Being a Young Entrepreneur

young entrepreneur quotes 3

“I think I was very naïve early on, but that also meant I didn’t know what couldn’t be done.”

– Matt Mickiewicz, 99 Designs


"It's not about how many years of experience you have. It's about the quality of your years of experience."

– Jacob Cass, Logo of the Day


“The earlier you start, the more time you have to mess up."

– Emil Motycka, Motycka Enterprises


"There's no committee that says, 'This is the type of person who can change the world – and you can't.' Realizing that anyone can do it is the first step. The next step is figuring out how you're going to do it."

– Adora Svitak, Flying Fingers



Quotes About Risk

young entrepreneur quotes 4


"If you're not making mistakes, then you're not making decisions."

– Catherine Cook, MyYearbook


"If you start with nothing and end up with nothing, there's nothing lost."

– Michael Dunlop, Income Diary


“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

– Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook


“Don’t make decisions based on fear.”

– Jake Nickell, Threadless



Quotes About Failure

young entrepreneur quotes 5

"I've also learned that the biggest lessons came from my biggest mistakes."

– Gurbaksh Chahal, RadiumOne


"The hardest part about being an entrepreneur is that you'll fail ten times for every success."

– Adam Horwitz, Mobile Monopoly


“Running a start-up is like eating glass. You just start to like the taste of your own blood.”

– Sean Parker, Napster



Quotes About Making Money

young entrepreneur quotes 6

“I think not focusing on money makes you sane because in the long run it can probably drive you crazy.”

– Kevin Systrom, Instagram


“The companies that I really admire the most are the ones that have a deep visceral understanding of why people use their service, and they figure out ways of making money that are completely consistent with how people are feeling and what they are doing at the time.”

– Ben Silbermann, Pinterest


“Great products sell themselves.”

Kevin Systrom, Instagram


“To be successful online, you have to be nimble and evolve where the opportunities are. You have to layer revenue streams.”

– Angelo Sotiro, DeviantART


“There are a lot of rich people in the world. There are very few people who have the privilege of getting to invent things that billions of people use.”

– David Karp, Tumblr



 Following Your Passion

young entrepreneur quotes 7

"Every single person I know who is successful at what they do is successful because they love doing it."

– Joe Penna, Mystery Guitar Man


“Anything can be done, as long as you truly believe it.”

– Ashley Qualls, WhateverLife


“We led with our conviction rather than rational, because rational said it was impossible."

– Daniel Ek, Spotify


"Find something you love and do it better than everyone else."

– Gurbaksh Chahal, RadiumOne



Practical Advice

young entrepreneur quotes 0

"My number one piece of advice is: you should learn how to program."

– Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook


“If you make the Internet, live on the internet.”

– Matthew Mullenweg, WordPress


“A poor logo doesn’t mean a business will fail, and a good logo doesn’t mean it will succeed – it just helps. Ultimately a good logo is something that people recognize instantly and relate to.”

– Matt Mickiewicz, 99 Designs


"SEO is a race, not a sprint."

– Neil Patel, Quick Sprout


"Don’t take too much advice. It’s just that most people who have a lot of advice to give—there are a few people who are exceptions, and they have a lot of data in front of them—most people generalize whatever they did and say that’s the strategy that made it work."

– Ben Silbermann, Pinterest


"Over-deliver every time."

– Alex Maroko, Game Speed Insider




Quotes on Social Media

young entrepreneur quotes 11

"Building and hanging on to an audience is the biggest role of social media.”

– Matthew Inman, The Oatmeal


“I believe photos is one of the underlying things in every social network that becomes successful.”

– Kevin Systrom, Instagram


“Social media really grew up.”

– Kevin Rose, Digg




Quotes on Startups

young entrepreneur quotes 12

"The next big thing is the one that makes the last big thing usable."

– Blake Ross, Mozilla


“There’s a lot of pressure to look like the last company that was successful.”

– Ben Silbermann, Pinterest


“The pace of change for entrepreneurs is rapidly accelerating, and the cost and risk of launching a new business and getting off the ground is just amazing. The ability to gain user feedback really quickly and adapt to what your consumers want is totally different with the web as it is now. But finding a new market, helping people and taking that original idea and turning it into a business is really exciting right now.”

– Matt Mickiewicz, 99 Designs


“Every startup should address a real and demonstrated need in the world. If you build a solution to a problem lots of people have, it’s so easy to sell your product to the world.”

– Kevin Systrom, Instagram


"The transition strategies are more important than understanding what the outcome state will be."

– Sean Parker, Napster


"We are really competing against ourselves, we have no control over how other people perform."

– Pete Cashmore, Mashable




Quotes on Simplicity

young entrepreneur quotes 14

“Every feature has some maintenance cost, and having fewer features lets us focus on the ones we care about and make sure they work very well.”

– David Karp, Tumblr


“Focusing on one thing and doing it really, really well can get you very far.”

– Kevin Systrom, Instagram


"The trend of design toward simplicity and accessibility in software happened for a reason—simple sells, simple's usable and simple scales."

– Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz


"I’m a firm believer in shades of gray."

– Blake Ross, Mozilla


“A poorly implemented feature hurts more than not having it at all.”

– Noah Everett, Twitpic




Quotes on Success:

young entrepreneur quotes 8

“Success is defined in units of fun. It’s all about being happy.”

– Jake Nickell, Threadless


"Success comes down to hard work plus passion, over time. If you work really, really hard over a long period of time, it will pay off."

– Stanley Tang, eMillions


“Solving specific problems is what drives me. I am not interested in having a career. I never have been.”

Sean Parker, Napster


"I'm here to build something for the long-term. Anything else is a distraction."

– Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook


Inside the Mind of a Young Entrepreneur

Top Young Entrepreneur Collage

I love quotes because they’re a window into a person’s mind while they’re thinking their most clearly. And obviously it’s best when the people you’re quoting are as innovative and intelligent as these young entrepreneurs. After compiling a post like this, I feel like I’m swimming in wisdom and insight from the best and brightest.

I would be interested in hearing from you below. Are there were any quotes above that struck you in particular or ones that you disagree with? Are there any young entrepreneur quotes that I didn’t include above that I should have?

If you read this article because you’re starting out on the path to online entrepreneurship, we offer a road map to making money online that links to guides and resources every step of the way. If you’re just looking for more inspiration, I recommend you check out 21 Life Lessons from Steve Jobs.

The post Top 50 Young Entrepreneur Quotes appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

You may view the latest post at

Build Great Backlinks
Nick Scheidies

[Build Great Backlinks] Introducing Our Niche Site Case Study (With a Twist)

Build Great Backlinks

One of the things that undoubtedly helped me to succeed online was seeing that other people were having success. It wasn’t so much specific examples – not many people shared them when I was starting out to be honest – but just knowing that someone had figured out this making money on the internet thing showed me that I could do it too.

It’s natural to get inspired by the success story of others. I remember hearing about a grandmother who had been writing her whole life but was always scared to get feedback on her work. After finally publishing her book well past the age of 80, she said it was the best thing she’s ever done. It became quite the internet sensation as it really sunk in the idea of “it’s never too late”.

Today I want to announce my own success story. Hopefully. With the launch of a brand new niche site case study where I build a website from scratch and share the results with you all, in public, via this website.

This isn’t something entirely new. Friends like Pat and Spencer have ran their own case studies and had great results. Both from the success of the sites they built and the reactions from their audience. Some of you may remember I also ran my own case study a few years ago, but other business opportunities got in the way and it just didn’t go like I had originally planned.

Most case studies, particularly those that start with a site built from scratch, are generally just a blogger who runs a popular site sharing the results of their own marketing efforts in a new industry. More recently I’ve seen a number of case studies where someone who has had success in this field instead teaches someone else how to build a profitable site and follows their journey.

While those are beneficial to both blogger and reader, I don’t just want to follow that mold. This is ViperChill. If I’m going to do something, we are going to do it different. Do it big.

The reason I say we, is because there’s 3 of us.

One niche. Three websites. Three different people competing against each other. Live, for free, with nothing to sell you.

The Original Idea

I get asked fairly frequently about whether I would be interested in working with someone to help them build a niche site. This invariably either involves them “generously” giving me a small percentage of the site income if they make a profit or is someone who just wants to intern for me to learn what I do.

Since I never know these people, it’s hard to commit to work with someone who might stop working in a few weeks and honestly, if I’m going to be putting so much time into one website, I would much prefer it to be my own.

The intern idea is always a nice gesture, but I’m too paranoid to trust someone I’ve never met with my business operations. At least operations where they would actually learn anything interesting.

I was contacted by Mr.V a few months ago when he had the idea of doing a public case study where I teach him how to build a profitable site and he follows my advice. This would mean that you don’t just get the results of someone who has clearly had success online already. Instead you see the results of a self-professed ‘newbie’ who hasn’t profited from the internet before.


This would be more challenging, but a lot more realistic.

It wasn’t the first time I’ve heard the idea, but it came to me at a time where I could use another site in my arsenal for marketing that isn’t primarily SEO focused. This is something I haven’t had for quite some time.

The Three Pronged Approach

First of all, the people involved are:

  • Myself
  • Diggy, my business partner and SEO fanatic
  • Mr. V

Each of us will be building a website from scratch and starting our marketing efforts on November 1st 2013. This is not just a typical competition between the three of us though. We each have limitations on what we can do.

Glen’s limitations are that I cannot purchase a single backlink, get links from any blog networks or basically do anything to artificially increase my own link count. My focus is going to be entirely social and trying to get links the Google-recommended way. By creating great content in an industry where I have zero authority or presence.

Diggy’s limitations are that he isn’t allowed to rely on great content to build his site. Instead he must focus entirely on SEO. He is allowed to use link networks, build spammy links and anything else he thinks will work.

Mr V’s limitations are simply that he is a beginner to building and profiting from niche websites. He’s allowed to write great content, focus on SEO, buy ads or anything else he wants to do.


All of us have a $1,000 budget for phase one of the project (the first 2-3 months). I think this is a realistic figure that other people could replicate if they wanted to give making a living from the internet a real try. We couldn’t do this for free simply because you have to price in domains, a website theme, hosting, and so on. Every single little fee will also be accounted into this $1K budget.

To summarise, that means we’re approaching one niche from three different angles:

  • Growing a website socially and getting natural links
  • Growing a website through greyhat SEO
  • Growing a site through any means (but as a beginner)

The end goal is trying to build sites which make money. We will of course also be sharing things like traffic stats, traffic sources and any conversions we make whether financial or for an email list.

Why Mr.V Is Crucial

Though I have no idea if myself and Diggy will make any money – at least not in the short-term – we will get some results. There is no doubt our sites will get traffic. Adding someone into the mix who has not built a lot of sites before gives this case study a different dynamic.

For every question that I am asked by Mr.V, I will make sure to share the answers that I provided to him via this blog. This means that I’m not just covering the things I think you (beginners especially) might have problems with, but answering actual problems that are found on the journey by someone in your shoes.

I know this wont appeal to long-term, successful marketers, but I hope people who are struggling online will get a lot out of this.

The only reason I’m calling him Mr.V and not by his real name, yet, is because I don’t know him. It’s possible that he wont put any time into this project or disappear from the internet. I really don’t think that will happen, but I’m just protecting his identity in case anything comes up before we start the challenge (again, that’s November 1st).

I will be the owner of his domain – until the end of the challenge when I transfer it to him – to ensure that we have a third person for the project. If he disappears, then someone else could easily take over and it wouldn’t ruin the case study.

I Want Your Feedback! Here’s Two Chances to Win $250

I thought I would give you a reader an opportunity to put their stamp on this case study by helping us make it amazing.

The first area I need help with giving the case study a name I can use for future updates. I had phrases like “Niche Site Trio” and “Triple Threat Niche Case Study” in my head but lets be honest, they aren’t that great. I have no doubt someone reading this could come up with something better.

The other area I need help is if you see anything missing with this idea or something else I could do to make the case study better for you. Are the limitations that myself and Diggy have a stupid idea? Should the budget be lower (or higher)? Anything you want to make sure we do? The best feedback / suggestion (even if it isn’t used) will be rewarded.

So, that’s two chances to win $250 from me direct to your Paypal account.

I always deliver when it comes to competitions. Jon Cooper of PointBlankSEO was the winner of our BacklinksXXX affiliate competition and we sent him $2,000 of camera gear:


When you consider that people are leaving their homes and moving out to Asia for the possibility to make $1,000/m doing this online stuff, this is something I’m going to be taking very seriously. Even a few hundred dollars per month extra would be a lot for a great deal of the audience here, so I want to provide an on-going case study that is going to help people see what is possible.

Look out for the next update in two weeks when we start, and I look forward to the comments…

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